Example sentences of "detached [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As she drew closer , a burly , red-faced police sergeant detached himself from the crowd and moved towards her , notebook in hand .
2 Irish Tom detached himself from the group of workmen and swaggered , grinning , along the corridor .
3 After a few minutes one of the men detached himself from the group and walked after Fred at a smart pace .
4 Cunningham detached himself from the British game negotiating a £1 million transfer to Real Madrid in 1979 , the same year in which Maurice Hope of Antigua emulated Dixon , Turpin , Bassey and Conteh by winning a world boxing title .
5 When Manfro detached himself from the other men and came to walk by her side , Topaz glared at him .
6 Though the latter was at this time a much celebrated amateur artist he was surprised , on arriving , when Minton detached himself from the crowd he was talking with in order to cross the room and greet Cornish by name .
7 Jotan detached himself from an alcove beside the main door .
8 Lucenzo detached himself from the crowd and ran up the stairs two at a time , seeing that she 'd frozen .
9 Finally Alain detached himself from Claudine 's clinging hands and turned to the house , collecting Jenna with a very hard hand on her arm .
10 Wynne-Jones detached himself from the supporting arm and came over to Tallis .
11 Edward was hobbling to a Humber and the little man detached himself from it and came to him .
12 She heard a footfall , she pressed herself back , keeping an eye on the street ; in a doorway , further on , a silhouette detached itself for a moment , and she saw a man throw his head back and shake it as if intoxicated , while holding his arms extended , and she fancied she heard him speak to his own fidanzata of that evening , she imagined him murmuring about her hair — as dark as a raven 's wing , perhaps ?
13 He jumped as a dark shape detached itself from the wall .
14 One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger .
15 In the stroboscopic view , the giant pistons were the only things moving — until a figure detached itself from the wall , its grey colour exactly that of the background steel .
16 The flare sank lower ; was , he guessed , down to about thirty seconds , when one of the black figures detached itself from the shadows .
17 This was not common practice but it reached its apotheosis in the 1945 general election when the Observer completely detached itself from the political parties and carried articles by representatives of each of the main parties .
18 While Fleury and Harry exchanged a glance of shock and bewilderment at the unfortunate turn the tea party had suddenly taken , an effervescent mass detached itself from one of her breasts , which was revealed to be the shape of a plump carp , then from one of her diamond knee-caps , then an ebony avalanche thundered from her spine down over her buttocks , then from some other part of her .
19 There was a tearing sound and a large piece of the black silk winding detached itself from her back and flapped wide .
20 789 ( CS 262 : S 1183 ) , but whether Lindsey detached itself from Mercian control in 757–8 and , if so , how long an interval elapsed before Offa reasserted himself is unknown .
21 The black construct before her split , spun into a thin loop , fleshed into a globe , flipped inside out to reveal a hovering pink mass , which detached itself from the main bulk and drifted some distance away .
22 Felicity pulled at a loose bit of the stuff on her face , which detached itself from her skin with a small popping noise .
23 Then one end of a crate detached itself from the crates and began to steal away , edging slowly round in a half circle .
24 It had n't reached the zenith of its arc before a black shape detached itself from the shadows in the corner of the room and swooped down , taking the morsel in mid-air .
25 As Twoflower watched , one of the shapes far above detached itself from the roof and began to grow larger …
26 It was then that a familiar figure detached itself from the shadows of the trees and moved out into the dim orange light of one of the streetlamps .
27 It detached itself from the thicket and reached rose-thorn fingers into the hard earth .
28 India detached itself from Africa and set off across what is now called the Indian Ocean , eventually to crunch into south Asia and raise the Himalayas .
29 She noticed the card , noticed me with widening eyes , and in a short while detached herself from the owners and stood and waited .
30 Bernice gave them an encouraging smile , which they returned weakly , and detached herself from their embrace with one last squeeze and one last pat on the shoulder .
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