Example sentences of "conflict with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Oakeshott recognizes a morality inherent in the rule of law and suggests that to deliberate the jus of lex involves not deduction but a particular kind of moral consideration ; that the prescriptions of law ‘ should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility ’ of a people .
2 Earlier in his essay on the rule of law Oakeshott had suggested that to deliberate the jus of lex is ‘ to invoke a particular kind of moral consideration : … the negative and limited consideration that the prescriptions of law should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility capable of distinguishing between the conditions of ‘ virtue ’ , the conditions of moral association ( ’ good conduct ’ ) , and those which are of such a kind that they should be imposed by law ( ’ justice ’ ) ' .
3 Their views of appropriate actions for resolving problems of disability related to their own value systems ; the authors of the study conclude that a standard service , which does not take individual values into account , will conflict with the view of some people it is trying to help .
4 Unjustified financial risk could be incurred by using fertiliser in an area of erratic rainfall ; the labour required on cash crops could conflict with the labour required on food crops .
5 Once again , the policy of using the law against those who indulge in sexual exploitation of the vulnerable may conflict with the ‘ logic ’ of overall consistency in age-limits , and this conflict must be acknowledged and confronted .
6 Besides the Foundation stories , Asimov 's best known book was probably his second , I , Robot ( 1950 ) , in which he promulgated three unalterable ‘ Laws of Robotics ’ — first , that a robot may not harm a human being , or , through inaction , allow a human being to come to harm ; secondly , that a robot must obey the orders of a human being , except when this would conflict with the first law ; and thirdly , that a robot must protect itself , except when this would conflict with the first and second laws .
7 Besides the Foundation stories , Asimov 's best known book was probably his second , I , Robot ( 1950 ) , in which he promulgated three unalterable ‘ Laws of Robotics ’ — first , that a robot may not harm a human being , or , through inaction , allow a human being to come to harm ; secondly , that a robot must obey the orders of a human being , except when this would conflict with the first law ; and thirdly , that a robot must protect itself , except when this would conflict with the first and second laws .
8 ‘ We allow worm digging where it does n't seriously conflict with the nature conservation objectives near the causeway .
9 For each permanent activity shown on the map , how may it conflict with the use of land for any other purpose ?
10 Thus , for example , a woman 's wish to work outside the home might conflict with the expectation that she should care for an elderly relative .
11 Conversely , a man 's wish to care for an elderly relative might conflict with the expectation that he should go out to work .
12 The aim is to minimise costs in the very long term but the important question is the extent to which this may conflict with the short-run costs of pursuing diversity .
13 One particular matter of concern would be the election of directors by particular constituencies ( shareholders on the one hand and employees on the other ) ; if it were intended that they should represent those constituencies , this would conflict with the general principle of company law that all directors should look to the interests of the company as a whole .
14 Networks thus require good lighting , clear sight-lines and regular maintenance — as in the cutting back of shrubbery — though this may conflict with the creation of a green and intimate walking environment .
15 Any investigation , such as a court would be obliged , in this type of case , to undertake , into the propriety of the internal procedures gone through in the course of passing a Bill would conflict with the modus vivendi in which Parliament and the courts had tacitly acquiesced since the celebrated Hansard litigation of the 1840s .
16 If dialogue is being taped in stereo , the signals from the individual speakers should not be given a pronounced left and right stereo bias as this would conflict with the performers ' relative positioning as seen in shot .
17 any motor vehicle standing on a part of a road specially set aside for the parking of vehicles , or as a stand for hackney carriages , or as a stand for public service vehicles , or as a place at which such vehicles may stop for a longer time than is necessary for the taking up and setting down of passengers where compliance with this regulation would conflict with the provisions of any order , regulations or byelaws governing the use of such part of a road for that purpose ;
18 It must not conflict with the cultural beliefs of the people .
19 This may conflict with the chronological age , and the person may switch backwards and forwards from one age to another , so it requires alertness to work out what the person is feeling .
20 This is to say no more than that the patient 's agenda , derived from his own theories of illness and his own biographical relevances , may conflict with the doctor 's agenda .
21 Does n't this conflict with the basic aim of emotion , and action , of reaching a general stance in and towards the world with which one can be content , just as inconsistency in belief conflicts with the basic aim of belief , namely truth ?
22 Furthermore , a higher level of demand will probably result in an increase in the value of imports , implying that the balance of payments objective may also conflict with the employment objective .
23 But there are occasions when they can conflict with the official policy of the organisation .
24 The question then is whether a State party to the first treaty can prevent another treaty party from entering into a later treaty from which it is excluded , but which would conflict with the first treaty .
25 When producing an illustration Minton had to be pragmatic : there was a need for clarity , to attract and hold the eye , for a decorative solution that did not conflict with the commercial purpose of the commission .
26 This would not necessarily conflict with the picture of word-meaning developed so far if a single superordinate sense could be found which covered all the variants .
27 It may well happen , however , that the users of a hierarchy ( in the case of a lexical hierarchy the speakers of the language ) have positive intuitions concerning which items belong together at a given level ; and these intuitions may conflict with the level assignations according to technical criteria .
28 Furthermore s. 2(4) European Communities Act 1972 provides that any Act of the Westminster Parliament shall be presumed not to conflict with EEC legislation , and will be given effect only so far as it does not conflict with the EEC legislation .
29 At the same time , they can conflict with the needs of the local community ; although houses , factories , swimming pools and supermarkets may appear ugly or aberrant land-uses to the outsider , to the local community they may be essential ingredients in improving the quality of life .
30 But both of these points can conflict with the interest of the rest of the working population .
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