Example sentences of "collaborating with the " in BNC.

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1 Eliot describes how working men who went to the music hall to see Marie Lloyd and who joined in the chorus were performing part of the business of acting , collaborating with the artist in a manner essential in all art , most obviously ( for Eliot ) in dramatic art .
2 Mr Husseini , the most senior supporter of the PLO in the occupied territories , has spent much of his time recently trying to prevent the killing of Palestinians suspected of collaborating with the Israeli authorities .
3 UNO 's acceptance of US campaign fund donations and Mrs Chamorro 's appointment of the former contra director , Afredo Cesar , as her adviser , has opened her to charges of collaborating with the US .
4 UNO 's acceptance of US campaign fund donations and Mrs Chamorro 's appointment of the former contra director , Afredo Cesar , as her adviser , has opened her to charges of collaborating with the US .
5 American news organisations , such as CNN and CBS , may show an interest in the shares in the hope of collaborating with the relatively low cost ITN .
6 The Council is currently collaborating with the Construction Industry Research and Information Association ( CIRIA ) in the production and publication of The Flat Roofing Guide .
7 Cinestra is currently collaborating with the London Women 's Network of Media Resource Officers to support work in schools .
8 The importance of collaborating with the patient 's general practitioner is emphasized .
9 A number of countries , including Kuwait , Senegal , India , Saudi Arabia and the Philippines , have expressed interest in collaborating with the centre 's work .
10 UNIVERSITIES should gear their publicity machinery away from students and toward industry , In this way , companies that are largely ignorant about research in academe would realise the benefits of collaborating with the educational sector .
11 For more sophisticated projects , including a gamma -ray satellite and a cooled sub-millimetre wave telescope , the USSR is collaborating with the French .
12 BGS is collaborating with the Leicestershire Archaeological Unit in a long-term study to investigate the utility of NERC airborne multispectral scanner data ( including thermal infra-red linescanner data ) in locating new archaeological sites and the complex changes in the course of the Trent that have influenced the distribution of settlements since the Bronze Age .
13 It is collaborating with the TNO Physics & Electronics Laboratory in the Netherlands on assessing virtual reality for aerospace and military simulation , for example .
14 Laurentius is now collaborating with the technological giants Philips in Eindhoven to perfect the image of the X-ray using computer-boosting techniques , so that a clear positive print of the watermark and the structure of the paper can be achieved .
15 One does this best by collaborating with the child , by discussing his or her difficulties and successes , and by talking about the contents of the book .
16 This academic year the number of students per firm has increased to eight and we are collaborating with the department of oncology at the Whittington Hospital , which undertakes a fifth of the teaching .
17 Those writers collaborating with the bourgeoisie , intent on defending a " classical " position , produce an irresponsible literature of resistance to change which in a variety of forms seeks to mask the reality of existence .
18 Rediscovering and making heroes of overlooked Old Mistresses does n't challenge the exclusivity of art history , the way it masquerades as a specialism — so it talks only about form and sources , influences and patrons — while collaborating with the class of owners and dealers in art as rich people 's commodities because it never talks about social conditions of race , class , gender or sexuality .
19 The National Library of Scotland is collaborating with the British Library and the other legal deposit libraries of the British Isles in a pilot project of shared cataloguing in order to improve the currency and coverage of catalogue records for British books by sharing the responsibility for the creation of those records .
20 Researchers are collaborating with the Department of Medical Statistics and Christie Hospital , Manchester , in the analysis of data on childhood leukaemia .
21 The Sudanese People 's Liberation Army ( SPLA ) , waging a rebel war in the predominantly Christian southern part of the country , stated in a broadcast on its radio that 15 NCOs , all members of the Nuba tribe , had been executed by the ruling Revolutionary Command Council on Sept. 15 for allegedly plotting and collaborating with the SPLA .
22 Of the estimated 170,000 Palestinians remaining in Kuwait after the Iraqi defeat , a number were killed by Kuwaiti soldiers and civilian vigilantes after being accused of collaborating with the occupying forces .
23 In 1944 the Ingushis and the Chechens had been among several ethnic groups charged en masse with collaborating with the Nazi German invaders and deported to Central Asia .
24 On April 19 the human rights organization Amnesty International called on the Amir to intervene personally on behalf of hundreds of people detained on suspicion of collaborating with the Iraqis who , it claimed , were still being held in " deplorable conditions " .
25 Reports in the Washington Post of April 2 , citing the New York-based human rights group Middle East Watch , also confirmed cases of revenge attacks meted out against Palestinians [ see p. 38118 ] and others suspected of collaborating with the Iraqis .
26 The Prime Minister , Shaikh Saad al Abdullah as Salim as Sabah , commuted on June 26 the death sentences imposed on 29 people ( three of them women ) for collaborating with the Iraqi authorities .
27 Four Palestinians accused of collaborating with the Israeli security forces were shot dead and their bodies dumped near the West Bank village of Kafr Rai on Jan. 26 .
28 Yassin had been sentenced to life imprisonment in October 1991 for ordering the killing of Palestinians suspected of collaborating with the Israeli authorities [ see p. 38550 ] .
29 ‘ First you claim that the family is collaborating with the kidnappers , then you say they must have used their influence to have me sent here .
30 Nevertheless , at the risk of confirming suspicions that he was a political reactionary , he scrupulously avoided discussion of internal French politics ( except to criticize Vichy for collaborating with the Germans ) .
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