Example sentences of "to distance [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We try to pretend that sex is n't so important , that we are just like everyone else , just as we sought to distance ourselves from books like The Milkman 's On His Way during the Section 28 debates .
2 Some of these are deeply rooted and irrational ; they spring from fears about ageing and death and from the psychological need to distance ourselves from selected groups of people ( homosexuals , blacks , etc . ) .
3 Stereotyping can be dangerous when it allows us to distance ourselves from others , and to fail to see the individual through the distorting lens of our own prejudice .
4 We wish to distance ourselves from such inferences , even though naturally we would expect our findings to generate constructive discussion about the effective use of pupils ' and teachers ' time in primary schools .
5 Mr Parkinson also appeared to distance himself from the BR route for the Channel tunnel link through Kent , saying that it was ‘ for Parliament to settle the way forward ’ .
6 He also appeared to distance himself from the BR route for the Channel tunnel link , saying that when BR brought forward the Bill for its preferred route through Kent , it would be ‘ for Parliament to settle the way forward ’ .
7 Mr Endara was moved to distance himself from proposals in Washington to support anti-Noriega parties with CIA funds , describing the scheme as ‘ insulting ’ .
8 Mr Tebbit was keen yesterday to distance himself from any comparison with Mr Powell .
9 Mr Walesa has now apparently decided to stress the more open-minded traditions of Polish patriotism — Poland was once a central European melting pot — and to distance himself from the foreigner-hating sort of nationalism to be found among some Polish politicians and churchmen .
10 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
11 It seemed that Jason was keen to distance himself from the increasing danger of being known as the future Mr Minogue .
12 The sources said he is infuriated with her after a row that erupted last week , and is likely to distance himself from her .
13 Speculation has been intensified that Mr Nelson Mandela , African National Congress president , will soon yield to pressure to distance himself from his wife by announcing that their de facto separation is official .
14 12 May : The Mail prints a letter from its owner , Lord Rothermere , saying that he wishes to distance himself from the newspaper 's criticism of the Archbishop of Canterbury the previous day .
15 To distance himself from his domestic woes it can be expected Gooch will drive himself and his players even harder than usual in training the next few days .
16 After all , closeted anonymously in the Iranian Embassy on avenue d'léna , it was easy to distance himself from events beyond its railings .
17 Yesterday , Mr Major battled to distance himself from the scandal which has already engulfed four Cabinet colleagues .
18 Now that it 's finished , he 's keen to distance himself from the idea that it 's a follow-up .
19 Dr Barbara Burrell of the University of Cincinnati commented , ‘ Some experts have suggested that the palace 's position between the theatre and the stadium may not be consistent with Herod 's personality as a paranoid who would have wanted to distance himself from the people of the city of Caeserea .
20 At all costs Hauser wished to distance himself from the coming Manescu operation in various ex-Communist European states .
21 Furthermore , it remains something of a puzzle that , when this movement did flourish during the 1920s and 1930s , Pound went out of his way to distance himself from it .
22 In spite of his ritual attempt to distance himself from the young man who had written that poem , he knew very well that even his contemporary reputation in large part rested on it : that , and the last three of the Four Quartets , he told Ezra Pound , had been worth writing .
23 Indeed , at the Home Office Press Conference held to discuss the catastrophic crime figures for April to June 1990 , John Patten attempted to distance himself from the research by asking if Field was the member of his staff ‘ who wore an earring ’ ( Guardian 27.10.90 ) before stating that the work was exploratory and could not be regarded as definitive .
24 He tried to distance himself from the physical reality of death by thinking about the identity of the person who had caused it .
25 Ben Jonson , a ‘ scholarship boy ’ whose ability with language allowed him to gain social advancement , is keen to distance himself from popular writing whose techniques he so skilfully employs .
26 Matthei had been in post since 1978 , but in the late 1980s he had been the first among the military leadership to recognize the strength of the democratic opposition and the inevitability of political change and , as a result , began to distance himself from the military hardliners .
27 Speaking from his holiday home in Kennebunkport , President George Bush sought to distance himself from the controversy , stating that it was not " a matter for the president to be concerned about , especially on the first day of his vacation " .
28 The new committee , reportedly dominated by political figures close to the military establishment , was believed to reflect the army 's growing alienation from the policies of the Ghozali government ; although Ghozali remained a member of the FLN central committee he was considered as having tried to distance himself from the FLN as much as possible .
29 Irony in Estella 's true background after Pip has tried so hard to distance himself from the lower classes and she turns out to have come from them .
30 He seemed in a hurry to distance himself from the work he had been doing .
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