Example sentences of "to confine [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is no particular reason to confine ourselves to constant per unit prices , and we should also consider non linear outlay schedules , in which charges are not strictly proportional to the number of units purchased .
2 ‘ That 's all very well , ’ Sophie said unhappily , ‘ but we do n't want to confine ourselves to household pets , do we , Joanna ? ’
3 It indicates that he is not content to confine himself to the small island of his own tradition and culture and consequently not recognize the significance of the spiritual insights of other religious traditions .
4 Is he entitled to confine himself to the particular matters for which he is retained to advise or was he to consider all the circumstances affecting the underlying data including hypothetical circumstances or risks which attention directed from one and not specifically sought .
5 Provided , therefore , that the House is careful to avoid mention of any determination of whether or not a particular privilege exists , and to confine itself to statements which are consistent with it 's merely having decided that a breach has occurred , it can make its will prevail ( Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex ( 1840 ) 11 A & E 273 ) .
6 As Maitland , who was a contemporary of Dicey , recognized , one repercussion of the consequent growth in the quantity and complexity of government business was that there was ‘ a tendency … on the part of parliament to confine itself to the work of legislation , of framing general rules of law , and of entrusting the power of dealing with particular cases to the king 's ministers , to boards of commissioners , to courts of law ’ .
7 Ignoring the traditional possessiveness of the Home Office towards the content of the criminal law as well as its administration , the Law Commission declined to confine itself to civil law matters .
8 ‘ thought it best to confine itself to enunciating the guiding principle that , before the grant of nationality is generally recognised , there must be a genuine link between the ship and the State granting permission to fly its flag
9 She had meant to confine herself to the unwelcome proposal of marriage from Manfro Draper , but somehow she found herself telling her listeners all about her mother and father .
10 The responsibilities of the two departments were to be as follows : the education authorities who operated a service under the 1910 Act had to confine themselves to ‘ interviewing , advising , registering and selecting juvenile applicants ’ , while the labour exchanges would ‘ register vacancies , place juveniles with employers and oversee their progress during the early years of employment ’ .
11 Thus the early engineers were constrained by the lack of ‘ signal to noise ratio ’ and ‘ sensitivity ’ to confine themselves to loud subject matter which could take place about one inch from the mouthpiece .
12 Officials are told to confine themselves to facts and to avoid being drawn into discussion of alternative policies .
13 Women who engaged in charitable work tended to confine themselves to particular activities ; principally fund raising , and visiting the homes of the poor and institutions .
14 But you do not have to confine yourself to just one murder .
15 In the meantime — until you have made your bones , that is — you will needs have to confine yourself to asking my assistance when you wish to retroscend , got that ?
16 " Thank you , Mrs James , we should like you to confine yourself to first-hand evidence … you wrote to your husband , of course , to explain the arrangements you had made in his absence ? "
17 ‘ You are to confine yourself to a mosque until after the Moulid .
18 For the purposes of the present discussion I am going to confine myself to sensation and perception and ignore behaviour .
19 This is a subject to which I shall return , but for the moment I prefer to confine myself to the typical picture and to show where my own circumstances coincided with it or diverged from it .
20 Others , however , felt a similar shudder at the thought of telling and discussing the political jokes about contemporary leaders of the modern Arab World and advised me to confine myself to the days of the Prophet and the early imams .
21 Erm I think it 's important to recognize in rail terms that erm the east coast main line , erm particularly obviously er the section heading north , British Rail would not allow er a new station opening on the east coast main line , so you have to confine yourselves to looking at those which have a a regional railway route .
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