Example sentences of "coinciding with the " in BNC.

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1 The second was an untidy and protracted business , stretching on through the spring and summer and coinciding with the refusal of The Possessed to be contained within the limits of a ‘ tendentious ’ sideshow .
2 With the Gulf war over and interest rates drifting down , he may feel that a further half per cent interest rate cut coinciding with the budget will put the motor industry and its customers in a more confident mood .
3 This means the real fight begins once the recession is over ( Halpern believes this will be in time for the next general election , coinciding with the introduction of the Single European Market in '92 ) .
4 The reasons are simple : Quisling , a former army officer , diplomat , and minister of defence was the first of his kind ; and his bid for power , though his own idea , by coinciding with the German takeover was assumed to be part of it .
5 The rapidly rising number of girls receiving middle and higher education , coinciding with the growth of urban bureaucratic and commercial activities , has led to a corresponding increase in the number entering clerical and professional or semi-professional employment , generally prior to marriage and temporary or permanent withdrawal from the labour force .
6 The Mozarts ' second visit to Vienna began in September 1767 , coinciding with the planned festivities for the marriage of the Archduchess Maria Josepha to King Ferdinand of Naples .
7 The meeting took place at Cherbourg in August 1858 , coinciding with the opening of a vast new deep-water dock and the unveiling of a statue of Napoleon I , the Queen and Prince Albert having crossed in the Royal Yacht accompanied by the Prince of Wales and escorted by 140 private English yachts .
8 He claims that serious work on inner-city policy began in 1979 : but it was , undoubtedly , the riots of 1981 , coinciding with the biggest drop in employment and job vacancies since the war , which gave impetus to the new approach .
9 Thus when endothelium was stripped from rabbit aorta in vivo prostacyclin production at the luminal surface of the vessel was virtually absent and recovery of prostacyclin production was slow over a period of 70 days coinciding with the appearance of neointimal cells ( Eldor et al , 1981 ) .
10 These can be interpreted in a similar way to the maps of the Z2 Carbonate , with a belt of porous oolitic grainstones coinciding with the thickest part of the formation .
11 One of the pulsar 's original discoverers , Stanislav Djorjovski , reported finding a brighter star coinciding with the pulsar last November .
12 Judith Bailey 's firm , clear beat led perhaps to an unduly deliberate tempo and heaviness of phrasing in the first movement of Beethoven 's Emperor Concerto and narrowly missed coinciding with the soloist at a few important junctions .
13 The third series of P. G. Wodehouse 's immortal stories begins on ITV on Sunday March 29 , coinciding with the release of an album of incidental songs and music entitled The World of Jeeves and Wooster , performed by the stars themselves .
14 Until 1973 , most of the rock used by Kay & Company came from Ailsa Craig but escalating costs of quarrying on and transporting from the isle , coinciding with the retiral of the family who did the quarrying , brought production to a halt .
15 Today we are seeing a system in decay , but surprisingly often we find stretches of road and track coinciding with the old alignments .
16 The new Barlow era in the Transvaal looks like coinciding with the official end of Clive Rice 's Transvaal career .
17 The two of them had been virtually inseparable — periods of separation coinciding with the respective presences of boy-friends ; even though Sheila had left university abruptly in her second year , hating the academic competitiveness .
18 THERAPY ? follow their Reading Festival appearance with a 17-date tour of the UK , coinciding with the release of their third LP .
19 The new Regulations define a transitional period of 2 October 1992 to 31 December 1998 ( coinciding with the introduction of corporation tax Pay and File due in 1993 ) , during which provisional repayments in respect of accounting periods ending before 1 January 1999 are to be reduced by a prescribed percentage .
20 In September 1981 the magazine duly appeared , coinciding with the start of my office as the sabbatical Deputy President of the students ' union at the RCA .
21 COINCIDING WITH the very first New Musical Express chart this was , essentially , the Top Of The Pops of its day , except without the arbitrary graphics , arbitrary dry ice and arbitrary ex-hospital radio DJs getting the names wrong .
22 Meanwhile , the Sex Pistols ' re-enactment of their legendary 1977 boat trip on the Thames , coinciding with the state opening of Parliament on October 17 , will go ahead with or without Steve Jones .
23 Such beliefs , coinciding with the growing phenomenon of abrupt cessation of full-time employment , encouraged the growth of the preparation-for-retirement movement .
24 Coinciding with the conference is the annual Book Fair .
25 The year 's biggest Americana sales were held at Christie 's and Sotheby 's during the last week of January , coinciding with the Winter Antiques show in New York .
26 Neatly coinciding with the current outstanding exhibition of British watercolours at the Royal Academy , nearby Bond Street dealers Agnew 's are holding their annual and much respected watercolour exhibition , the one hundred and twentieth of its kind ( 8 March to 2 April ) .
27 Neatly coinciding with the fair is the publication of a new book , Facing the Page : the artist and the book , by Silvie Turner , published by Estamp which provides details of those working in this field in Britain at present and the projects currently underway as well as summarising the work of the last decade .
28 Coinciding with the exhibition , two exhibitions on the decorative arts will be held at the museum .
29 They left the home between 4 pm and 5 pm and returned in the early hours of the morning , often coinciding with the feeding time for a young baby .
30 Cambridge ink-jet printer maker Domino Printing Sciences Plc told the annual meeting yesterday that despite the strong finish to 1992 , first quarter trading has been below expectations and this was bound to affect interim results : in particular , sales in the US were unexpectedly slow during the first three months coinciding with the change of administration , it said .
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