Example sentences of "to portray [pron] as " in BNC.

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1 It would be a caricature to portray them as hide-bound Aristotelians .
2 erm , when we are victims of crime , and personally I think that there are two main reasons for that , one reason certainly is that when women erm are victims of crime that there is of a sexual nature or domestic violence , part of the way that we have been brought up and part of the way that those crimes have been portrayed , is to portray them as our fault
3 It is grotesque to portray me as some sort of blue-eyed optimist .
4 But every time he has used force in the past — as in Azerbaijan a year ago — he has been able to portray himself as defender of both law and order .
5 It seems his effort , which is what has taken two weeks ’ — he glanced at Jim Donaldson as he spoke — ‘ to portray himself as the guy trying to help Zack , and all the rest of us here and there as the bad guys making problems , has worked .
6 They alighted on Saddam Hussein of Iraq , who in the late 1970s was beginning to portray himself as a man of moderation who might be able to make himself useful to the West , not least by acting as a counter to now-revolutionary Iran .
7 He published an autobiography in 1975 : he chose to portray himself as a rapscallion ( internal evidence suggests that it had been written in jail ) .
8 Although born into a working class Sydney family and involved in ALP politics since the age of 15 , Keating had never attempted to portray himself as a man of the people .
9 Labour will try this week to portray itself as the party of hope , with policies on education , training and health .
10 Syria still likes to portray itself as the sworn enemy of the Israelis , but the Ba'ath Party officials who rule with an iron hand appear to have given up trying to stop their citizens tuning in to the ‘ Zionists ’ wavelength .
11 A policy of legality and the maintenance of public order was officially adopted by the BUF in its attempt to portray itself as a responsible organization .
12 At times they find it more amusing to portray her as a disco-Princess .
13 Farrell uses the fact that O'Neill joined the Apprentice Boys of Derry and the Royal Black Preceptory ( two Protestant fraternal organizations similar to the Orange Order ) to portray him as a ‘ closet ’ die-hard unionist but in so doing misses the glaring point that O'Neill had to join these organizations because he was not already a member .
14 The friends , says Morton , took it upon themselves to portray him as a deeply wounded and betrayed husband whose character precluded him from answering back .
15 It was not hard for the British , whose influence remained powerful in Teheran , and who had a spy in Mossadeq 's own Council of Ministers , to portray him as a madman to lead Iran into the Soviet camp .
16 They know that you are not trying to portray yourself as a know-all , that you have accepted being ‘ only human ’ .
17 The non-metropolitan districts had the additional advantage of being able to portray themselves as the victims of county councils spending heavily in one of their own non-election years .
18 The government-backed unions are trying to portray themselves as the true and uncompromising voice of the workers : ’ outflanking Solidarity to the left ’ , as one commentator put it .
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