Example sentences of "counsel for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Byron Georgiadis , counsel for the dead Englishwoman 's family , making his closing submissions to the inquest in Nairobi , said : ‘ He had the mobility and authority to drive around the reserve after dark and an intimate knowledge of the area — his kingdom . ’
2 Byron Georgiadis , counsel for the dead woman 's father , has insisted she was murdered .
3 Counsel for the prosecution invited the jury to decide between the suggestion that the officer had ‘ gone to the very depth of deceit ’ by imposing his attention on the woman or whether she had made ‘ a wicked and false allegation ’ .
4 Mr Koc told Mr Roger HendersonQC , counsel for the GMC , that the ‘ broker ’ brothers Mr Ata Nur and Mr Riza Kuntar had promised him he would be getting a job when he was brought to England .
5 Mr Koc told Mr Roger HendersonQC , counsel for the GMC , that the ‘ broker ’ brothers Mr Ata Nur and Mr Riza Kuntar had promised him he would be getting a job when he was brought to England .
6 At the Forest Eyre which opened before him at Windsor in September 1632 , counsel for the Crown was Sir William Noy , the Attorney-General , a learned lawyer determined to re-establish Forest rights which had long been forgotten .
7 Counsel for the ‘ Seventeen Towns ’ , claimed by Finch to be within the forest bounds , produced in rebuttal the perambulations of 1298 and 1300 , and their confirmation by Act of Parliament in 1336 , urging also that these towns had been out of the forest by ‘ the long and constant Usage ever since .
8 Henry Erskine , counsel for the Middlesex committee , said it was a common trick for people claiming benefit of the acts of insolvency , and the bankrupt laws , to bargain for goods to a large amount from strangers to enable their estates to make a better dividend among their old creditors .
9 Ian Mill , counsel for the Rochdale-born singer , said her voice on the tape is ‘ poor and shrill ’ and her reputation would be damaged if the songs were widely heard .
10 Cohen ( counsel for the defendant ) : Well , make it stronger and you will ruin the bank …
11 Counsel for the receivers argued that until they had terminated the receivership , B and L could not control them .
12 In the course of the hearing , counsel for the Crown accepted that , if notice for the amounts payable as determined by the General Commissioners had not been served on the debtor , the tax had never become payable under s 55(a) , TMA 1970 and s 5 , TA 1988 .
13 Robert Francis QC , counsel for the Airedale NHS Trust , said Tony 's condition was that of a persistent vegetative state ‘ little more than a living death ’ .
14 In the case of respondents whose arguments will be simply that the judgment of the court below is correct for the reasons given , counsel for the respondent can send in a letter to that effect in lieu of a skeleton argument .
15 Counsel for the appellants had attacked this finding because the patient had been an outpatient at a different hospital in the past and a practitioner there could have fulfilled this function ; and he submitted that in any case it was a duty of the hospital managers to find out if it was practicable to obtain the recommendation of a practitioner who had previous acquaintance with the patient : he relied on the form of the question ‘ explain why you could not get a recommendation from a medical practitioner who did know the patient ’ on the hospital admission application form .
16 Counsel for the applicant advised that the examination be limited to the issue of the applicant 's fitness to plead and that the defence should instruct their own forensic psychiatrist to report on other possible defences .
17 Counsel for the appellant sought to put to the victim that she had a number of previous convictions for dishonesty and violence .
18 Counsel for the petitioner and counsel for the respondents instructed in connection with the present petition submitted to the Court of Appeal and to the Board a consent memorandum dated 28 April 1992 which makes this position clear .
19 Counsel for the petitioner and counsel for the respondents instructed in connection with the present petition submitted to the Court of Appeal and to the Board a consent memorandum dated 28 April 1992 which makes this position clear .
20 I arrive at length at the present appeal , one striking feature of which is that , whilst not formally abandoning them , counsel for the applicant has not pressed with any vigour either of the grounds upon which the Divisional Court decided in his favour , namely that the Director was entitled to ask questions after charge but only after administering a fresh caution , and that the fact of such a caution would be a reasonable excuse for a refusal to answer , within section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 .
21 Counsel for the local authority , Mr. Marston , and counsel for the guardian ad litem , Mr. Helfrecht did not argue to the contrary .
22 Counsel for the local authority , Mr. Marston , and counsel for the guardian ad litem , Mr. Helfrecht did not argue to the contrary .
23 Those are the ground of appeal and counsel for the local authority and the guardian , whilst not seeking in any way to defend the approach of the justices , asked the court to utilise the provisions of R.S.C. , Ord. 55 , r. 7(7) to dismiss this appeal notwithstanding the defective nature of the findings of fact and the reasons .
24 ‘ If , therefore , for any unhappy reason , counsel for the defence is unable to accept the assumption which stems from the fact that a particular statement has not been made available to him by the prosecution , it would become counsel 's duty to invite the judge to exercise the discretionary power which is given to him by the proviso to section 18 of the Evidence Law , ( c. 118 [ J. ] ) , by examining the statement himself and directing that it be used in such manner as the justice of the case demands .
25 Counsel for the plaintiff pointed out that under the private Act the corporation had a power of absolute and immediate distress in the event of non-payment of dues , though the court did not advert to this .
26 Before I consider whether this is a valid approach and whether in this case the coroner applied the correct test when he decided , as he undoubtedly did , that any omission by the ambulance service was not relevant to the cause of death , I must refer to the submissions of Mr. Coghlan , counsel for the coroner .
27 In the absence of the jury , counsel for the appellant submitted that the documents were inadmissible in the criminal proceedings .
28 Counsel for the prosecution then stated that he would offer no further evidence .
29 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance : and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
30 Counsel for the defence presents the case for the accused .
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