Example sentences of "to opt out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 having closed their subsidiary in Wem , taken over and closed Simpkiss ( West Midlands ) and Davenports in Birmingham , have now decided to opt out of brewing altogether .
2 Kenneth Baker , the Secretary of State for Education , met with opposition to his proposals to weaken the structure of state education , notably by allowing comprehensive schools to opt out of the secondary system , and by giving more powers to parents in running schools , a latent veto for the middle-class .
3 The bill claimed to be ‘ putting the patient in the driving seat ’ , but it did not even allow patients to be consulted if a hospital decided to opt out of regional health authority control , he said .
4 The crowning piece of this legislation was the introduction of personal pensions in 1988 , which allowed individuals to opt out of their company plans and start a personal pension .
5 The Labour Party insists that self-governing trusts ( hospitals which choose to opt out of health-authority control and manage their own affairs ) are in fact opting out of the NHS altogether ; and that doctors who control their own budgets are going to turn queue-jumping at hospitals into a business practice .
6 Hospitals that have chosen to opt out of health-authority control and become self-governing will start running their own affairs .
7 This enabled her to opt out of active life and become totally dependent .
8 FAMILY doctors are to launch a campaign to win public sympathy in their fight to opt out of providing round-the-clock patient care , writes Victoria Macdonald .
9 This weekend doctors will receive the results of a poll for the BMA showing 73 per cent of GPs wanted to opt out of the commitment .
10 Even more important , they are allowed to opt out of local authority control .
11 The decision to opt out of the requirement to scrummage changed the whole nature of the game .
12 AN AVALANCHE of applications by schools wanting to opt out of local authority control is now expected .
13 The easiest way some choose to opt out of the obligations under the Single European Act is to ignore the Single Market directives .
14 ( In grant-maintained schools — that is , those which have been allowed to opt out of LEA control — the information will be sent by the governors direct to the Secretary of State . )
15 If he was to opt out of music , his next project could involve writing .
16 In the field of housing there has been and is likely to continue to be a major growth in housing associations , particularly after provisions are implemented which will allow council tenants to opt out of council control and into housing associations or tenancy with private landlords .
17 In education , although legislation promises increased power to parents and the opportunity for schools to opt out of local education authorities , it also promises a greater power for head teachers and , in the case of City Technology Colleges , a greater direct input from industry .
18 Local management of schools , the opportunities to opt out of the local education authority system , and funding formulae dominated by per capita allocations come together to provide a force for the fragmentation of the education service rather than the more desirable decentralisation .
19 Then , out of the blue , Simon and Moscato announced after a considered assessment they had decided to opt out of the French national squad 's World Cup preparations .
20 From 1997 , it says , all Christmas cards will be harmonised , subject to a phasing-in period which allows member states to opt out of certain features .
21 The statutory requirement should no longer apply to the 250,000 or so companies that are below the VAT registration threshold of £36,600 , and those companies which meet the VAT cash accounting limit requirements ( £300,000 ) should be allowed to opt out of the audit provided there is unanimous agreement among the shareholders .
22 The Council of EC Social Affairs Ministers has agreed concessions under which the UK has been allowed to opt out of the proposed EC Directive which imposes a maximum working week of 48 hours .
23 We chose to opt out of that pointless race to nowhere . ’
24 One of the typical patterns , when you go back to work or attend a course , is to opt out of this new situation as soon as it gets a little tough , especially if there are domestic problems such as children sick or on holiday .
25 Many argue that there is a major trend away from family-centred care towards state provision throughout the western world , and even in the more traditional oriental societies of Japan and China , and that state provision further enables families to opt out of their former caring functions .
26 In a further attempt to restrict the role of local authorities in housing , council house tenants were given the right to switch to an alternative landlord — either in the form of a housing association or an approved private sector landlord — in other words , they were allowed to opt out of local authority control .
27 Hospitals are also encouraged to opt out of the NHS and become business-style ‘ self-governing trusts ’ competing for patients on a profit basis against other hospitals .
28 Hundreds more hospitals are to opt out of health service management and the Government wants to revamp the bureaucracy to cope with the changes .
29 ‘ So you 've decided to opt out of this little excursion , eh Vitali ?
30 They debated more precise targeting of benefits , and persuading high earners to opt out of the state pension .
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