Example sentences of "participate in [art] " in BNC.

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1 They observe and participate in every moment of a patient 's time in hospital .
2 Nor do all who participate in a joint enterprise agree to its occurrence .
3 Participate in a presentation , eg of the outcome of a group activity , a poem , a story or a scene .
4 Plan and participate in a presentation , eg of the outcome of a group activity , a poem , story , dramatic scene or play .
5 Difficulties can arise where overseas employees participate in a share option scheme approved by the Inland Revenue in accordance with UK legislation .
6 The note adds that directors participate in a long-term , performance related incentive plan based on growth in earnings per share above a minimum level over a four-year period .
7 Junior and Senior cataloguers participate in a profit-sharing scheme that could give a salary uplift of up to 12% .
8 Some of these aircraft participate in a formation fly-by at Oshkosh during the week-long Convention .
9 Moore 's way of putting it might be defended on the basis of a realist view of universals for which individual horses are horses because they participate in a universal object horse , and do so in virtue of the fact that they have parts participating in universal objects which are parts of the universal object horse and related to each other in ways which participate in the universal relations linking part to whole in the universal object .
10 As has already been mentioned , insider traders also face the possibility of conviction under the US mail and wire fraud statutes in so far as they participate in a ‘ scheme … to defraud ’ ( ie breach of s.10b and Rule 10b-5 ) where use has been made of the postal system or telephonic communication .
11 If you participate in a mock interview programme you will be given an application form to fill in for the kind of job that might be available through the Compact .
12 The unfortunate side of such a policy is that those responsible for such leaks may , on other occasions , be perfectly happy to follow the status quo or actively participate in a policy of nondisclosure if such disclosure is likely to reflect upon themselves .
13 Erm as far as teaching employment goes , full or part time teaching , supply teaching in erm a local authority school , or in independent schools which participate in a teachers superannuation scheme , will actually have an effect on your pension .
14 ‘ retail banks ’ — banks which either participate in a UK clearing system or have extensive branch networks , viz. London , Scottish and Northern Ireland clearing banks , and the Girobank ;
15 Do boys and girls , fathers and mothers , participate in a wide variety of domestic chores , not only the ones traditional for their sex ?
16 At the external ( luminal ) surface of the apical membrane , K + ions participate in a H + , K + -ATPase mediated exchange with H + ions , although whether the initial apical K + exit step is electroneutral or channel mediated remains controversial .
17 Staff and postgraduates participate in an annual Scottish universities ' conference in ecclesiastical history .
18 It may be that Larkin 's poem and the person we meet there participate in the ventriloquism of Amis 's novel .
19 In the process , they participate in the global installation of a kind of universal grade of emotive competence , a standardization of the voice which is marginalizing deficient or regional voices .
20 ‘ While the British continue to occupy our country and pursue a policy of repression , we reserve the right to attack those who actively participate in the British war machine . ’
21 Although these efforts have taken quite different forms in different parts of the world , most have been based on the broad underlying philosophy that social development goals are likely to be achieved more readily if those groups most directly affected ( local communities or recipients of services ) participate in the planning and delivery of services .
22 Employees still participate in the company 's pension scheme during the duration of their break .
23 In order to administer this vast labyrinth of bargaining , there are some 200 committees which participate in the planning , implementation and execution of joint programmes and investment activities .
24 And if a Palestinian Arab fled his or her home during the 1948 fighting for an area controlled by Arab forces — even though the individual did not in any way participate in the war — Israeli law effectively deprived the owners of their homes and lands .
25 But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ , so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed .
26 Because all snail genes have an equal stake in every sperm and every egg , because they all participate in the same unpartisan meiosis , they work together for the common good , and therefore tend to make the snail body a coherent , purposeful vehicle .
27 Platelets also participate in the fluid phase of coagulation through their active biochemical contents and by providing surfaces for reactions to take place .
28 In Europe a number of countries participate in the European Monetary System which attempts to stabilise exchange rates and thereby facilitate trade and investment flows between trading partners .
29 They participate in the euro-currency markets and local money markets of various countries .
30 During the 1800s several US private banks established branches in Europe to finance trade and participate in the overseas marketing of US bonds , the latter being issued to raise funds to finance the USA 's economic development .
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