Example sentences of "acquainted with the " in BNC.

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1 I can see that I may have a little difficulty explaining this first part of my story , especially to anyone not acquainted with the often bizarre rituals of academic life .
2 Fondlers of fresh hops will be acquainted with the sticky oils and resins released from the lipulin glands on hand rubbing .
3 Though some of his followers have philosophical training and interests , and are acquainted with the matrices of Derrida 's thought in Hegel , Husserl , and Heidegger , his transmission in literary and cultural contexts has meant that his ideas have become simplified , his paradoxes and contradictions tamed and diminished .
4 Tonight we must visit the classroom to ‘ become acquainted with the teaching materials ’ and generally appear involved .
5 The ideal management of any case of RSI involves a doctor well acquainted with the subject , and a good physiotherapist .
6 Mr Bush , a former US diplomat in Beijing , has countered by hinting that when his traducers were fully acquainted with the facts , his actions would be justified — and typically he has been angered by the ‘ personal ’ nature of the criticism .
7 He was acquainted with the facts , had the benefit of much of the argument later addressed to the High Court , and preferred the submissions made to him by counsel for the officers .
8 But as several people , well acquainted with the technicalities of robbery from innumerable television programmes , pointed out patronisingly : ‘ Do n't bother .
9 The new owner had long been acquainted with the village on account of his association with the Physic Garden .
10 He would have been well acquainted with the Northumberland gardens at Sion House by the Thames ( originally laid out by the Duke of Somerset in the sixteenth century ) and supported an application by William Forsyth , one of his most promising pupils at Chelsea , for the appointment as head gardener there .
11 As there are many persons of distinction in England who are pleased to honour the art of gardening by making it a considerable part of their amusement and have been greatly assisting in the introducing of large numbers of new plants , shrubs and trees into the English gardens and as some of these noble persons have studied the science of botany and are well acquainted with the characters and true names of the plants … their example will render it necessary for the professors of Gardening at least to know the plants they cultivate by their proper titles …
12 You will understand that I am only acquainted with the members of the Institute who come here regularly — who , in essence , are the ones who work in this area .
13 I 'm still too acquainted with the whole aspect of poverty .
14 The ideal learning conditions for getting acquainted with the harness are flat water with a Force 2 to 3 onshore wind .
15 The councillor should become acquainted with the principal officers from whom he can gain a considerable amount of information and help .
16 We have to become acquainted with the manifestations of fear before we can break its grip .
17 The better researchers are acquainted with the bibliographical tools which can widen their perspectives , the better researchers they are likely to become .
18 All teachers must be acquainted with the use of cine projectors .
19 Those personally acquainted with the Willses have appreciated their virtues and valued their friendship , but others have found difficulty in understanding some idiosyncrasies of their characters .
20 You get acquainted with the cockpit book-in-hand , and two hours can be spent there with an instructor to form a clear mental picture and acquire procedural reflexes .
21 Further adjustments of the output level and the profit margin as the firm becomes more acquainted with the market within which it operates , given sufficient time , may enable it to reach its objective .
22 We are intimately acquainted with the state of this painter 's worn-out trousers , decaying coats , leaking boots , the money spent on his teeth , his food , his rooms , more so in fact than with any other artist .
23 As my companion and half-sister , Joan is already acquainted with the king your son .
24 He left me to become acquainted with the religious environment , and then handed me a paperback entitled Modern Buddhism in Burma , which he had edited in cooperation with Kenneth Saunders , warden of the YMCA hostel , and already a translator of the Dhamma-pada , a collection of short sayings thought to go back to the Buddha .
25 She knew that Maxie was acquainted with the bulk of the male population of Tollemarche , because anyone looking for a car sooner or later strolled through his car lot .
26 Mozart had become acquainted with the choirmaster there , Anton Stoll , for whom he wrote the exquisite motet Ave verum corpus .
27 You must be well acquainted with the materials of Part 2 in order to answer trainees ' questions but be careful not to provide information that goes beyond that given above ; try to amplify rather than extend the information .
28 I really enjoyed getting people going — yes , I 'm well acquainted with the wooden spoon .
29 Not that anyone was shooting up heroin at their desks or anything , but the glazed eyes of some of the dishevelled staff suggested that they were well acquainted with the teachings of Robert Nesta Marley and perhaps worse .
30 By now they are well acquainted with the area and its people and have nothing but good to say about both .
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