Example sentences of "'im in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Aah sh 'll advertise 'im in t' Malton Messenger and if we does well , Aah might try t' Yorkshire Post next year and send 'im further afield , ’ he had told his sons , adding , ‘ T'stud fees is a guinea and an 'alf , wi' a florin for t'lad , so it 's not ti be sneezed at . ’
2 I saw 'im in the Observer wearing all that leather clobber and 'e looked like a man after me own heart , man .
3 He went out in the rain and I put 'im in the oven to dry ! ’
4 The charming Mrs Fitzsimmons was at the ringside screaming : ‘ 'It 'im in the slats , Bob ! ’
5 ‘ Honest , I 'd never seen 'im before , I just bumped into 'im in the fog and it made me sprain me ankle .
6 They was wiv 'im in the office fer over an hour .
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