Example sentences of "mark the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The concerts at 3pm and 7pm on Saturday will mark the second event of its type to be held in Darlington .
2 The concerts at 3pm and 7pm tomorrow will mark the second event of its type to be held in Darlington .
3 Barclays director of UK Retail Services Seymour Fortescue predicts that history will mark the late 1980s as the watershed of personal banking .
4 It will take a year for the synod 's decision to be fully ratified and if the June 1994 synod does mark the final step towards ordaining women , not only will nothing happen for six months , but the college of bishops will present three resolutions safeguarding the positions of those within the church who do not agree .
5 Tomorrow a special service in Ballycarry Presbyterian Church ( 3pm ) , will mark the 380th anniversary of Presbyterianism in the village .
6 The reunion was a great success and Keith and joint organiser Jeryl Whitelock , who is a lecturer in International Marketing at Salford have already been asked to organise the next one in five years time , when the graduates will mark the twentieth anniversary of successfully completing the degree .
7 With Lamb and Gower about to be dumped and the mightiest of all rounders Ian Botham unavailable today 's Lord 's team declaration will mark the sad end of an era for English international cricket .
8 The ceremony will mark the successful end to almost 20 years of community fundraising for a pool for the islands of Islay and Jura .
9 The fall of the Manchus in China hinted at the far wider rebellion that would mark the first half of the twentieth century , transforming world political geography from a handful of empires , maps on which only the primary colours were needed to show each domain , to a mass of independent States , more numerous than the ingenuity of any distinguishable colour range .
10 Nevertheless , this will mark the first visit of a steam locomotive in the Ex-GC terminus since the extensive remodelling was completed .
11 However , it did mark the first major overhaul of the Treaties of Rome , it reformed EC institutions to some extent and it succeeded in keeping the members united .
12 Production from the field will mark the first export of gas from the UK .
13 1993 , 1994 and 1995 will mark the 50th anniversaries of some of the greatest , most notorious battles and victories of this century .
14 The authority of the Prime Minister was also undermined during December by the confusion generated by demands that Japan should mark the 50th anniversary of its 1941 attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbour with a clear apology .
15 The investigation is being led by Det Supt Eric John , and the murder inquiry will mark the third unsolved killing in the Lothians in the last five weeks .
16 The vast majority of Parishes did mark the 6th December as Care Sunday .
17 Valladares claimed that this was " an historic moment " which would mark the true re-establishment of rights based on equality under the law .
18 The dinner , organised in conjunction with the Booksellers Association , will mark the 1993 link with GALC , the umbrella body of the EC booksellers associations .
19 Since standard English and Irish English syntactic forms do not mark the same temporal and aspectual distinctions , we can not assume that they are embedded in the same underlying grammar .
20 The same thing happened in 1988–89 , and June 4th will mark the fourth anniversary of its political consequence : the Tiananmen Square massacre .
21 Valentine 's Day will mark the fourth anniversary of the fatwa on The Satanic Verses and the 1,461st day of Salman Rushdie 's internal exile .
22 Valentine 's Day will also mark the fourth anniversary of the fatwa , or death sentence , imposed by the late Ayatollah Khomeini on Salman Rushdie .
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