Example sentences of "wake [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's the last time we 'll wake in the morning together . ’
2 After long days and nights alone I would wake in the mornings wondering if this new day would bring a new poem from you , a new smile as you ran dancing towards me on your boxer 's turned-in toes .
3 I do not wake in the night , I am a sound sleeper .
4 However , if you do wake in the middle of the night and hear an intruder :
5 Sometimes they 'd wake in the night , alerted by the jackals howling on the outskirts of the village , and they 'd nose open the heavy doors and go outside on to the roof , joining the other dogs in their chorus of barking .
6 While still in London I would wake in the night to find the bed devoid of Nigel , whom I would find in the kitchen , drinking tea and pacing the floor .
7 She would wake in the night hearing sobs , then realize they were hers and immediately stop .
8 I told my mother that as Thomas would be in strange surroundings and might wake in the night I thought it better if the two of you shared a room .
9 She had wanted to see him wake to the possession of all this beauty but he watched its passing impassively , stirring only to ask practical questions .
10 He was a good baby , did n't startle and wake at the least noise , like some did , but there was a pleasure in being gentle and slow about things .
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