Example sentences of "to co-operate with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They announced their willingness to co-operate with Roh in the formation of a truly neutral administration and gave notice of their intention to end the legislative boycott .
2 Hattie opened her writing-case , took out a sheet of paper and her pen , then sat gazing wistfully out of the window over Parker 's piece while she wondered whether or not to co-operate with Edwin 's stratagem that this must appear a chance visit .
3 It was generally recognised that Clasper was not the man to dismantle restrictive practices , nor to co-operate with management to make the necessary improvements in labour relations if they were to keep their jobs in future .
4 In a survey of a ‘ closed ’ institution such as a prison or a firm the informants may be instructed to co-operate with interviewers because of agreement about the survey by the people in authority , but in many instances of samples from the general population no such authority exists and surveyors must try to obtain co-operation as best they can by interesting the informants in the survey and gaining their completely free co-operation .
5 After the initial ‘ lessons in wizardry ’ , the child is expected to take increasing responsibility for its actions and to co-operate with others in everyday activities .
6 On 2 September 1982 the Galway County Executive of the IFA instructed farmers living near the mines not to co-operate with IBM which was carrying out further prospecting in the area .
7 Finally , in September I 979 , cabinet authorized the decision to co-operate with Germany in the construction of a DBS satellite , due to become operational in 1985–6 .
8 ‘ That is something we asked for years ago which has not been implemented , particularly because Dublin is not prepared to co-operate with London in what they would see as interning Irish citizens on Irish soil .
9 Hashemi , who was found carrying two kilos of heroin , agreed to co-operate with US officials to entrap Malik .
10 They preferred undisguised military occupation to self-administration and refused to co-operate with Israel 's attempts to create an accommodationist Palestinian leadership in the territories .
11 But McCarthy and Waite , who were held by terrorists for five years , refused to co-operate with Granada and accused them of ‘ pure fiction ’ .
12 Moreover the Labour Party would also have to be prepared to co-operate with Liberals and dissident Conservatives in the formation of a new Government .
13 Regarding environmental issues , the Group of Seven in the final declaration ( i ) committed itself to undertake " common efforts to limit emissions of greenhouse gases " ; ( ii ) reiterated its support for the negotiation of a " framework convention on climate change " under the auspices of the UN ; ( iii ) committed itself to negotiating a " global forest convention " in order to curb deforestation and protect biological diversity ; and ( iv ) agreed to co-operate with Brazil on a programme to protect the tropical rain forests in that country .
14 The EC issued a statement on Feb. 7 saying that its member states were " shocked and dismayed at the government of Sudan 's continued failure … to co-operate with donors and non-governmental organizations in implementing measures to ensure that emergency supplies reach the needy populations in time " .
15 The convoy to Gorazde , carrying 102 tonnes of family parcels , flour and medicine , had been seen as a key test of Serb promises to co-operate with relief efforts .
16 Diplomats in Belgrade said Western governments which recognised Bosnia were exerting pressure on the federal army , Serbia and Croatia to co-operate with efforts to end the violence .
17 The opposition Sacred Union called on the armed forces to abandon Mobutu and asked foreign governments not to co-operate with Diaka ; it also called for France and Belgium to return their troops to the country .
18 The College proposes that this should apply to a small group of patients who are repeatedly admitted to hospital under sections 3 or 37 of the Mental Health Act 1983 and who require long-term support and supervision in the community , but are known to have a history of failing to co-operate with treatment
19 Germany was reported on Oct. 15 to have agreed to co-operate with France in an attempt to sell tanks worth US$300 million to the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) in competition with UK and US tank manufacturers .
20 A joint declaration pledged the countries to respect each other 's national unity and territorial integrity and to co-operate with peace and reconciliation efforts in order to effect a peaceful resolution of internal conflicts .
21 THE British Water Industries Group took further steps last week to co-operate with authorities in eastern Germany with the aim of bringing water supply and waste treatment in the east up to West Europe 's standards .
22 The latter declaration called on all parties to the Paris accords to renew their commitment to the peace process , and expressed concern over " the refusal of one party " to co-operate with UNTAC .
23 If local agencies had chosen to co-operate with police in combating the drugs problem , we would have been delighted .
24 Without denying the great efforts made by the local council and others to improve the estate , it is they who chose not to co-operate with police , not the other way round .
25 It reveals that people in Whinney Banks and Hardwick are less likely to co-operate with police than in the county as a whole .
26 He said that the attack underlined the need for the public to co-operate with police in the current Operation Blade campaign .
27 Bhutto added that her party would be willing to co-operate with Sharif " if he brings non-fundamentalist bills " .
28 Primary criteria included , for example , extent and type of abuse ; non-abusing parent 's dependence on the perpetrator ; non-abusing parent 's attitude towards the abused child ; opportunity for access between child and perpetrator ; parental willingness to co-operate with investigation .
29 The strain of conducting frontier warfare against the French and their Indian allies , without assistance from the south , forced the Massachusetts assembly to ask for help from England in terms that showed a reasonable willingness to co-operate with policy laid down in London .
30 Throughout my time as Chairman I was anxious to co-operate with Mr Baker as far as possible , for I feared I might be asked to resign .
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