Example sentences of "prone to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The result of trying to be a valid person has made me prone to depression , agoraphobia , and reclusiveness — for I 'm tired to have to constantly explain my ‘ differentness ’ .
2 If the deceased was prone to depression , the court could treat it as an example of the egg shell skull rule .
3 The person prone to depression has a tendency to interpret events negatively .
4 According to Beck 's theory people prone to depression have a tendency to blame themselves for negative outcomes .
5 People lacking supportive relationships were expected to be prone to depression whether or not they experienced major difficulties or threatening events .
6 An example of 4.3C would be if a person 's withdrawn , defensive personality made it difficult for her to establish close friendships , and if those same characteristics of personality , rather than her lack of friendships , made her prone to depression .
7 The mind that had conjured up those designs had to be brilliant — annoying , devious , prone to flights of fancy — but brilliant all the same .
8 Salt has received much bad publicity in recent years as a major contributory factor to heart disease , but the initial hysteria has now given way to the theory that salt in quantity will only be to the detriment of those people prone to heart disease from other causes .
9 After this time , they too are prone to heart attacks because they no longer have the protection of oestrogen in their bodies .
10 The elderly are more prone to heart failure and chronic obstructive airways disease so that the risk of adverse effects is likely to be proportionately greater .
11 And peasants in areas prone to drought are good at surviving .
12 This is especially important if your skin is prone to breakouts in the T-zone .
13 They were also mroe prone to feelings of incomplete evacuation ( 27% v 12% , p<0.025 ) .
14 In selecting the two period styles most notoriously prone to camp life-style confections and pastiches , Steven Parissien sets out to educate through entertainment as well as to provide sound practical advice .
15 Prone to blockage they are unsuitable for general use .
16 Both types are prone to blockage .
17 Yet despite nearly 150 years of Western contact Japanese people are still regarded by non-Japanese as group-oriented , lacking individualism and prone to authoritarianism .
18 Fancy Goldfish like this black and red Oranda are especially prone to swimbladder problems
19 Short-bodied varieties can be prone to swimbladder disorder
20 Fancy goldfish seem to be particularly prone to swimbladder disease .
21 Prone to guilt , however , he did wish that he had managed to see Gildas .
22 When this happens , you may be prone to chilblains and other circulatory problems .
23 He was , however , prone to gaffes , and doubts were repeatedly raised about how much substance lay behind the impressive campaign style .
24 but on closer analysis they are also prone to gaps and inconsistencies .
25 This activity is unreliable and , in general working conditions , is prone to inactivation by other substances handled , including cleaning materials , leaving the skin unprotected .
26 Goldfish are particularly prone to predation by herons due to them being slow swimmers , and brightly-coloured .
27 His German cavalry was first class , but sadly few in numbers , while the Duke 's English cavalrymen were mere fools on horseback ; expensive and touchy , prone to insanity , and utter strangers to discipline .
28 Succumbing to the urge to generalise , envy seeping from every pore , I conclude that the gem-encrusted French are catastrophically overdressed , the bosom-thrusting Germans diabolically underdressed , the Italians too pedantically style-conscious and the Spaniards prone to BO .
29 The aim of the community art project is to improve the environment and to make an attractive feature of bare walls which would otherwise be prone to vandalism and graffiti .
30 Mr Wilson added : ‘ When many of the developments were being built tenants associations and public representatives pointed out that publicly-owned areas were prone to vandalism but it was never envisaged they would be subject to such official neglect .
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