Example sentences of "pray for the " in BNC.

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1 He believes that the houses can survive next year only if they start making their own videotapes of performances , make a habit of exchanging productions among the 13 houses and pray for the arrival of pay-television in Italy .
2 Mary Barton continues : ‘ If we pray for the dead , Sir , will God hear us ? ’ ,
3 He or she is remembered in prayer and asked to in turn pray for the person 's desired object .
4 Pray for the church planter to be led by God .
5 Pray for the person that is picking on you .
6 Please pray for the Brazilian church that it may mature and become a blessing to the nation and to the world .
7 Pray for the work of church planting in the Southern state of Rio Grande .
8 Pray for the Nazareth hospital management and all those in positions of responsibility that they may receive daily guidance and strength for their tasks .
9 Pray for the Missions Board and the Diaconate as the missionary budget for the coming year is finalised .
10 Please pray for the situation in Yugoslavia and also in Thailand .
11 Pray for the Mission Board , that there might be unity and a singleness of purpose .
12 Pray for the training of nationals .
13 Pray for the impact of ‘ Blasphemous Rumours ’ to set people free .
14 Please pray for the situation in Yugoslavia .
15 Pray for the young people from QP who have been on mission or camp this summer .
16 Pray for the many people who will spend today alone
17 Among them was In His Name , which was put together in response to the need expressed by the Conference of the International Missionary Council held at Willengen in Germany in 1952 , for a book which would help missionary-minded Christians pray for the Church and the World in a way integrated in the full range of Christian faith and worship .
18 We pray for the leaders of the government throughout the world that they may have a desire and be unselfish .
19 Pray for the soul of …
20 I would look out of the window at the blue sky and the cypresses and the sea , and pray for the day 's end , when I could retire to the masters ' wing , lie back on my bed and sip an ouzo .
21 Lord , your will is for peace — we pray for peoples and nations which try to use force ; we pray for the Gulf , for Liberia , for South Africa , for Northern Ireland .
22 Lord , your will is for truth ; we pray for the forces of justice who work to eliminate lying and corruption from this land and the world .
23 We pray for the next generation of ministers in the church and ask that you will be raising up men and women who are prepared to take pastoral responsibility for your people , as missionaries and as ministers .
24 And we pray for the refugees of our world , asking that those who have the power and ability to help may have the resources and will to provide food , clothing , shelter and a permanent home .
25 Lord , your will is for truth ; we pray for the forces of justice who work to eliminate lying and corruption from this land and the world .
26 Heavenly Father , we pray for the talks about peace in the Middle East .
27 We pray for the representatives of each nation present in Madrid , and especially for those who lead and speak in the meetings .
28 We pray for the leaders of our nation , that you will give them wisdom in providing for all , particularly those who are homeless or unemployed .
29 We pray for the work of the relief agencies and United Nations as they seek to relieve the famines of Africa .
30 We pray for the church , for all who are followers of Christ ; O God , we pray for the work of the province of Jerusalem and the Middle East , and for this Diocese ; for Samir Kafity , our Bishop , for the Cathedral , for St George 's College , and for the many parishes throughout this province .
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