Example sentences of "pray for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We ask a blessing of you , O Lord , as we go out on the beaches , and we pray for a really neat time and some big swells .
2 Bishop David has now asked parishes to investigate the local problem , offer practical friendship and support , lobby the legislators — and pray for a just , compassionate solution .
3 We decided to move the chairs out to make more room , but the acceptances kept coming in so we thought we 'd open the French windows and pray for a sunny day . ’
4 Pray for a spirit of humility , separation from worldliness , deliverance from power-seeking among Christian leaders .
5 People continued to go about their daily lives , make their plans , take decisions , eat , drink , love , pray for a good harvest , pray for rain , in complete ignorance of the dramatic effect this far-off encounter would have on their lives .
6 I think we should forget about what may have happened in the past and pray for a series which might well become a classic .
7 We pray too for the homeless of our nation , and pray for a way out from the spiral of poverty and deprivation that confronts many today .
8 Sit around and pray for a miracle ?
9 I pray for a wood-spirit to make me dance ,
10 Pray for a girl , was all he said , to my recollection .
11 Pray for an opportunity to speak to them ( and then look out for the opportunity during the week ) .
12 We pray for an end to strife in Somalia , and for You to help the food and medicine to be brought to those who need it .
13 He believes that the houses can survive next year only if they start making their own videotapes of performances , make a habit of exchanging productions among the 13 houses and pray for the arrival of pay-television in Italy .
14 Mary Barton continues : ‘ If we pray for the dead , Sir , will God hear us ? ’ ,
15 He or she is remembered in prayer and asked to in turn pray for the person 's desired object .
16 Pray for the church planter to be led by God .
17 Pray for the person that is picking on you .
18 Please pray for the Brazilian church that it may mature and become a blessing to the nation and to the world .
19 Pray for the work of church planting in the Southern state of Rio Grande .
20 Pray for the Nazareth hospital management and all those in positions of responsibility that they may receive daily guidance and strength for their tasks .
21 Pray for the Missions Board and the Diaconate as the missionary budget for the coming year is finalised .
22 Please pray for the situation in Yugoslavia and also in Thailand .
23 Pray for the Mission Board , that there might be unity and a singleness of purpose .
24 Pray for the training of nationals .
25 Pray for the impact of ‘ Blasphemous Rumours ’ to set people free .
26 Please pray for the situation in Yugoslavia .
27 Pray for the young people from QP who have been on mission or camp this summer .
28 Pray for the many people who will spend today alone
29 Among them was In His Name , which was put together in response to the need expressed by the Conference of the International Missionary Council held at Willengen in Germany in 1952 , for a book which would help missionary-minded Christians pray for the Church and the World in a way integrated in the full range of Christian faith and worship .
30 We pray for the leaders of the government throughout the world that they may have a desire and be unselfish .
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