Example sentences of "sticking out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His leg looks like it 's broke — it 's sticking out at a funny angle .
2 Carlie was still looking at him , eyeing the casts , his toes sticking out at the end .
3 He looked down at Tom 's heavy brown ankle boots , his thick navy overcoat and the green corduroy cap with the tufts of white hair sticking out at either side .
4 There 's like two pieces sticking out at the back you could ge get your foot on it and pull a a this hundred weight er piece of coal off ran up with it !
5 They can also be distinguished by their almost globular shape and the long protruding remnant of the style sticking out on top .
6 Each photocell is , in effect , wired in backwards , with its wire sticking out on the side nearest the light .
7 was the bit that 's sticking out on the path .
8 Approaching Las Palmas from the north or north-east , the first land to come into view is the conspicuous hump of La Isleta , the peninsula sticking out to the north of the city .
9 Here and there lumps of metal were sticking out of the masonry .
10 They 'd get off the bus from West London there because they were such big Faces fans and Malcolm 's shop was right next door to the home of the dandy fashion shop Granny Takes A Trip — a shop which had a Cadillac sticking out of its window — where The Faces and The Stones bought their clothes
11 Gingerly , sweating , I curled my left hand behind my back and felt for the third arrow , and found it sticking out of my jersey though fairly loose in my hand .
12 There was one bloke with a piece of glass sticking out of his head .
13 Endill ran to the door expecting to see him crashing into the sea but when he looked down , saw him clinging to a wooden beam sticking out of the rock .
14 The mangled remains of a bicycle were sticking out of the windscreen of the lower car .
15 They file into the office and sit round the long oak table , slightly in awe of Vic , serious men in chain-store suits , with pens and pencils sticking out of their breast pockets .
16 Two campesinos passed , a pickaxe sticking out of one of their bundles .
17 Behind them tramp the children like miniature adults , small hoes sticking out of their bundles .
18 ( Marr was sporting a huge rockabilly quiff which looked like a French loaf sticking out of the top of his head . )
19 I had seen hundreds , perhaps thousands , just like it , sticking out of the ground , but I had never stopped to look at them .
20 King Harold at the Battle of Hastings ( no , I do n't know what he looked like either — use your imagination ) , squinting keenly into the distance with an arrow sticking out of his eye .
21 Men in blue overalls with newspapers sticking out of back pockets wandered in .
22 Whoever thought to give a word to a bit of stone sticking out of a wall , or a bit of wood stuck in one ?
23 In the living room , with her almost translucent white legs sticking out of her dressing-gown , Mum was drawing .
24 But Changez looked so alone — and close up I could see bits of bristle sticking out of his badly shaved face — that even I could n't laugh at him in my usual way .
25 The tail of Changez 's shirt was sticking out of his unbuttoned fly like a small white flag .
26 She looked grotesque , a little ridiculous , with thin clumps of hair sticking out of her mouth as if she was munching .
27 His left elbow , sticking out of the window , was soon spattered with mud as they shattered vast puddles reflecting the blue of the sky .
28 On the wall was a gaudy oil painting of a bull pouring blood with pics sticking out of it like a pincushion .
29 The Forest Deer had more than just the antlers sticking out of his costume , the animal ballet was just that and an X-rated version of ‘ Hi-Ho ’ was rendered by seven stage-hands with boots on their knees .
30 On one side were rows and rows of furrowed earth with tufts of green leaves sticking out of them and on the other , far side , stood a large cluster of trees dripping with apples and pears .
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