Example sentences of "gathered up the " in BNC.

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1 Only the young Swede and the attendant took a sympathetic interest and pointed helpfully as I gathered up the meatballs and deposited them in the ashtray .
2 He gathered up the blossom and took it back into the house .
3 Mrs Hollidaye adjusted her hat-pin , gathered up the flowers and took Dot 's hand firmly in hers .
4 Clumsily , like a fallen horse righting itself , I scrambled to my feet , gathered up the bananas , marshmallows , umbrella , thermos , handbag , and other possessions which had fallen or rolled around me and , waving reassuringly , I walked briskly away ( ignoring a warm stream which was beginning to flow from an enormous hole in one knee of my tights ) .
5 When they 'd gone Maggie gathered up the rest of the dishes and piled them in the sink .
6 She gathered up the bags and pushed them towards the child ; and when he reluctantly handed her the two pennies she said , ‘ Thank you very much .
7 Phillis gathered up the infant , Rab went through to the room .
8 After a few minutes I roused myself , gathered up the clothes , and went round to Dominic 's room , holding his key through a handkerchief .
9 Together they rode across Hodge Beck and gathered up the flocks to look them over before the onset of winter .
10 He parodied my groping stumble across the stage to the podium and gathered up the skirt to reveal hairy legs and bloomers .
11 One by one , Polly gathered up the children and placed them carefully on the privet bird 's back .
12 Sean gathered up the reins and drove off at a smart pace .
13 Aggie gathered up the letters from the table , returned them to the writing case , then rose heavily , saying , ‘ Time enough to think about that .
14 As we marched along the docks we gathered up the men until we were some two or three thousand strong .
15 He gathered up the puppet in his arms .
16 Two of the girls were terrified and looked pleadingly at the third ; so Roksanda gathered up the precious stones .
17 He watched her as she emptied and polished the ashtray ( he did n't smoke and the smell of ash offended him ) , collected together the copies of the Laboratory plans and gathered up the strewn discarded papers .
18 As she gathered up the bedding and cushions she had hung out of the windows to air before the evening earth began to exhale dew , she wondered whether she should fetch out her best mantilla , the white lace her mother had given her for her first communion , which she never wore because it seemed so showy , and had n't worn even yesterday for the Easter Mass .
19 As soon as he 'd hung up the phone , he gathered up the toys and slung them , Hamleys bag and all , under the bed .
20 Lucien watched her as she gathered up the sticks .
21 Slowly , like a sleepwalker , she gathered up the torn , bruised straw and the scraps of ribbon from the bed and the floor , and put them in the hatbox .
22 Jumping defiantly onto Grace 's deck , she gathered up the surprised Stripey and hugged her close .
23 Tilda clambered over the washboard , and clinging on by fingers and toes to the strakes , half slithered and half climbed down the side , gathered up the cat and skimmed across to Rochester .
24 Julia gathered up the others .
25 She stuffed the arrow absently into Guy 's pack , gathered up the reins , and mounted .
26 As he cut , the door opened and the lady herself swept into the room and , with an imperious gesture , gathered up the box and carried it off .
27 At last , while the shadow of the ramparts reached quickly over the grass , they gathered up the debris of their afternoon and skipped or ran or walked or grumbled up the slopes to home .
28 Quickly , glancing back to the tent , he gathered up the limbs and torso , wrapped them in the discarded skins , tied them crudely and gathered them into his arms .
29 She preserved a dignified silence as she gathered up the trailing dressing-gown in one hand and kept the other on the rail attached to the wall on one side of the staircase .
30 He gathered up the music manuscript into a tidy pile and put his pencil slant-wise across the top .
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