Example sentences of "emerges from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Loyal Standard emerges from history as the epitome of the moderation which its leaders sought to convey to a hostile Select Committee .
2 We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics .
3 We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics .
4 This is typical of the adversarial system — a total approach in which truth emerges from conflict .
5 The foundations of personal care in families The picture which emerges from evidence about personal care given to relatives is one of very extensive amounts of support , especially at particular points in the life course .
6 The picture which emerges from research , from that of Dorothy Wedderburn in the 1960s to that of Sara Arber and her colleagues in the 1980s , on the relationship between pensioners and younger relatives , friends and neighbours , is not one of simple dependency of the old upon the young , but of an exchange relationship to which both sides contribute which shifts only gradually over time towards the younger participants being the predominant givers ( Cole and Utting , 1962 ; Gilbert et al. , 1989 ; Evandrou et al. , 1986 ) providing a significant volume of services which would otherwise be a costly burden on the state .
7 These are important to a great many people , whether they are perceived in terms of localised effects impinging on their everyday lives or in terms of the national picture which emerges from news media coverage and wider reading .
8 An argument could even be made that a prisoner who emerges from prison with a reasonable sum of money is less likely to recidivate than one who emerges as impecunious as when he or she entered .
9 The myth , then , is the step by which the individual emerges from group psychology .
10 Britain emerges from shadow of Aids
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