Example sentences of "account for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's relevant perhaps to report hereof that John Dennis has done a very useful spreadsheet of erm video profitability on a erm video by video basis , which we have actually a sort of profit and loss account for every year it was produced , and that is going to become a quarterly erm document which we can look at erm and that that 's very useful to and we did actually at our meeting discussing that yesterday we decided that we were going to erm try to break down erm the sales of that into title by market , did n't we ?
2 Every year a number of trailers are rolled over on our roads and trailer accidents account for a great deal of glider repairs .
3 Launch failures account for a very high proportion of gliding accidents , making cable break practice a very important aspect of glider training .
4 Thus , leaving the graduated scheme out of account for a moment , the position we have reached today is that the state pays to all retired persons , without regard to means , a pension roughly of subsistence value .
5 Growth is a desperate necessity for China and India , which between them account for a third of the global population , and other developing nations .
6 Latinos account for a third of its 9m odd residents .
7 As EMS currencies are pegged to each other and account for a big part of each other 's baskets , the stability of the trade-weighted values of the French franc and the D-mark compared with the dollar and the yen is no surprise .
8 And England 's private schools , whose pupils account for a quarter of sixth-formers and of A-level passes , know that parents will pay for the prospect of a smooth path to university .
9 The latest published figures on the origins of TB infection in confirmed herd breakdowns in Great Britain show that south-west England has a much higher incidence of breakdowns and badgers account for a high proportion of them .
10 These , with automatic fire-alarms going off inexplicably , account for a far higher percentage of calls than do fires .
11 With other foreigners they account for a quarter of trading .
12 BP and Shell account for a large slice of petroleum tax payments because they operate mature fields that have lost their tax shelter .
13 Widowed lone mothers account for a small and declining number of lone parent families .
14 Currently , hydrocarbons account for a third of Norway 's gross exports , 15 per cent of revenue and 17 per cent of Gross National Product .
15 In spite of knowledge of precautions , injuries from accidents during sport and leisure activities are common-place and account for a significant proportion of emergency admission to hospitals .
16 However , the bulk of LDCs have neither oil resources to export nor a diversified manufacturing base , and it is these countries that account for a high proportion of the world 's poor .
17 Shoplifters Thefts account for a large proportion of lost profits .
18 Over the past few years we have been working on such an account , and in this paper we focus on the implications of this account for a central tenet of the mental models approach : that the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of the context for the interpretation of the current sentence or clause .
19 Non-ferrous metals account for a large part of our overseas expenditure on raw materials .
20 Although the tyranny of ‘ promotion examinations ’ has mercifully decreased in the past decade , in many countries yearly and termly examinations and preparation for them account for a quite disproportionate amount of school time and teachers are virtually ignorant of how and why and when to test .
21 Death during transport and in quarantine account for a further 20 per cent of each batch .
22 It is beyond dispute that they also account for a large number of tiny rabbits that are born in breeding chambers within burrow systems .
23 Official documents account for a large proportion of the primary sources .
24 Scottish & Newcastle ( McEwans and Youngers beers , Newcastle Brown ) have a relatively low holding of tied public houses ( which are mainly in Scotland and the North East ) , but still account for a significant proportion of total beer sales , partly through sales to free houses and partly through the strong position of their brands in the off-licence trade .
25 Parts and components account for a growing share of Japan 's exports ; 28% of total exports and 36% of machinery exports in 1992 compared with 19% and 28% respectively in 1981 .
26 Public-sector contracts anyway only account for a small proportion of Olivetti 's sales , says Mr De Benedetti .
27 In the present generations of younger women , very few never marry so this particular source of family care has almost dried up , although there is evidence that never-married women still account for a disproportionate number of unpaid carers ( Finch and Groves , 1980 ; Lewis and Meredith , 1988 ) .
28 Tourists from other countries account for a great deal of revenue to some large hotels and therefore a watchful eye is kept on the figure , so that advertising campaigns can be planned to attract foreign visitors .
29 Although there are over 20 million individual shareholders in Japan they only account for a quarter of the total shares held .
30 The four broad types I have mentioned account for a very large proportion of governmental activity , but each could be divided up into a number of smaller functions .
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