Example sentences of "roll out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Roll out with a lightly floured rolling pin to a rectangle the same size as the tin .
2 Colour another third of the fondant grey ( using a tiny amount of black food colouring ) , and roll out into a circle about 25cm ( 10inches ) in diameter .
3 Roll out into lengths approximately 5cm ( 2inches ) wide — or the height of the cake .
4 Colour another 225g 18oz ) of the marzipan green , and roll out into a long wide strip .
5 Roll out into a large rectangle and a large circle ( both the same size as the marzipan pieces ) and use to cover both the base chest and the lid .
6 Roll out about one third of the marzipan and trim to fit the cake tin .
7 Roll out on a floured board to ¼in/5mm thick and cut into rounds .
8 Roll out on a floured board to ¼in/5mm thick and cut into rounds .
9 Roll out on a lightly floured surface and use to line a deep 21cm/8½ inch round fluted flan tin .
10 Halve pastry and roll out on a lightly floured surface to a 30 x 15cm ( 12 x 6 ’ ) rectangle .
11 Colour half the fondant icing with blue food colouring and roll out on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour .
12 Colour three-quarters ( about 675g/1½lb ) of the fondant grey with a little black food colouring and roll out on a surface dusted with icing sugar or corn flour to a large area .
13 Colour some fondant icing ( about 225g/8oz ) green and roll out on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour to a similar-sized rectangle , and use to cover the cake drum , smoothing on and trimming the edges .
14 Colour half the fondant with yellow and a little orange food colouring to create a slightly marbled effect and roll out on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour to a large circle .
15 Blend the pieces together roughly and roll out on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour to give a marbled brown effect .
16 German tanks roll out of the mist like giant indestructible daleks to crush and dismember the incompetently , corruptly-led GIs .
17 Roll out of the turn on the runway heading .
18 Also , to mount a stout defence of compulsory military service , ‘ to knock the rock 'n roll out of these babies , and to knock a bit of sense into them ’ .
19 Roll out to ⅛ inch thickness .
20 Roll out to 9 × 16″ .
21 Roll out to 5mm thick on a lightly floured board and cut out shapes with fancy cutters
22 Roll out to 1cm thick and cut into star shapes .
23 Roll out to 5mm thick on a board coated with icing sugar .
24 Roll out to about 20cm ( 8in ) diameter and fry in a greased frying pan until the underside is slightly browned .
25 Roll out to a 1cm/½in thickness on a lightly floured board and cut out twelve rounds , using a 6cm/2½in cutter , re-rolling pastry once .
26 Take half the marzipan and roll out to an area that is the size of the cake to be covered — square , circular or rectangular depending on its shape .
27 Meanwhile , colour the remaining gelatine icing pink , and roll out to about 5mm ( ¼inch ) thickness .
28 Colour a quarter of the remaining fondant ( about 75g/3oz ) grey with a tiny amount of black food colouring and roll out to a 35cm ( 14inch ) square .
29 Take some of the pale brown fondant — about 100g ( 4oz ) - and roll out to a 9x10cm ( 3½x4inch ) rectangle .
30 Colour the remaining fondant with green food colouring and roll out to a triangle , about 32·5cm ( 13inches ) on the long side and 25cm ( 10inches ) on the short .
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