Example sentences of "to clear out [art] " in BNC.

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1 Other ploys include paying an exaggerated price for a worthless item , only to return two days later to clear out a pair of Chippendales for £25 a piece .
2 The European Commission is having a hard enough job getting all its members to clear out the same few channels so that Europe can have a paging system which could be used in any of its countries .
3 Gazzer belted his forehead with the flat of his hand to clear out the nightmares .
4 To get it to work properly , we have to clear out the old powder , which are our old conditioned thought patterns , and replace them with the right ones .
5 Try drinking lots of water instead : not eating at all for a day to clear out the system ( unless you are a diabetic or have some other dietary problem ) ; having a warm bath and a nap ; going for a long walk .
6 Some elderly people still prefer ( or have to make do with ) an open fire , but this often presents problems if they have no one to carry coal for them and help to clear out the grate if it is of the old-fashioned type .
7 These usually began with a stern injunction to rise at 6.30 a.m. , first task to clear out the embers from the fire ( yet another pointer to the fire as the heart of the home ) and relight it .
8 Occasionally the Imperial forces try to clear out the worst of these foes , but the area remains wild and dangerous .
9 When he saw Scott 's interest in the history of the valley he arranged for men to clear out the rubbish which had accumulated in Hermitage castle so that the visitors could inspect the dungeon .
10 Maybe Billy himself set up Freddie the Lion to clear out the opposition in his own chosen patch .
11 This is the same set of attitudes which causes people to clear out the unwanted gear out of their lofts to send to Ethiopia rather than enabling the Ethiopians to get the best training possible as irrigation engineers , doctors and agricultural scientists and economists .
12 Two weeks later , Coleman arrived in Gibraltar to clear out the funds standing to his credit at Barclays Bank .
13 When a mis-fire occurred it was the practice to clear out the hole down to the powder , insert the pricker , and again stem the hole .
14 Perhaps now we 'll see a happier Oval under a manager who 's prepared to clear out the old guard from ex-stalwarts down to assistant kitman .
15 We will send someone else to clear out the site . ’
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