Example sentences of "referred to the " in BNC.

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1 In her letter of 21 August , Ms Greengross referred to the 1989 Family Expenditure Survey which found that 25% of retired people living alone mainly dependent on the state pension do not have a telephone and linked this ‘ poor level of penetration among people who need a telephone most … to the policy of increasing rental and connection charges to the maximum permitted by the retail price index ( RPI ) + 2% price cap , while targeting businesses and heavy residential users for international call rate reductions and volume discounts ’ .
2 When Bournonville discussed the construction of a ballet he referred to the librettos and development of plot in La Sylphide and Giselle .
3 Part of the reliquary consisted of a gold inscription plaque which referred to the fourteenth year of a particular Gadhara king , enabling the experts to date it precisely .
4 Mr Gorbachev never referred to the SDI in any of the other summit sessions , said US officials .
5 Others followed , among them Castlereagh , Victor Hugo , Nietzsche and a French foreign ministry memo of 1930 which referred to the ‘ European Community ’ .
6 He referred to the Bible that had been presented to him by the people of Memel St on July 10 at the opening of their march .
7 It referred to the peculiar affinity she had with dumb creatures ; lost , wounded and deformed they seemed to seek her out .
8 A TELEVISION commentator who once referred to the Augusta crowd as a ‘ mob ’ so angered tournament officials that he was not invited back the following year .
9 In his much-quoted anti-Europe speech last weekend Mr Powell referred to the Praetorian soldiers who ‘ murdered Nero [ and ] dragged Claudius out of the blanket in which he was hiding , to succeed Nero …
10 Speaking of the environmental problems hitting eastern Europe , Attali referred to the pollution of underground waters ‘ par les Anglais ’ .
11 ‘ The Dallae ’ referred to the identical Dallas twins who were consulted as the oracles of the Decoding Room School .
12 This referred to the cartridge-belt Leslie was having specially made at Andersons of Edinburgh .
13 Palestinians with relatives still inside Israel could pay two-week visits — many , like Damiani 's wife , have gone wistfully to look from a distance at the homes they once bought and lived in — and the same Israeli spokesman who referred to the Palestinian Arabs as ‘ a community of refugees ’ said that he had himself assisted 40,000 Palestinians to rejoin their families and become Israeli citizens .
14 You referred to the category of political photography .
15 Later in the same judgment , Scott LJ referred to the appropriateness of delaying arrest where ‘ there [ was ] no probability … of the suspected person running away ’ .
16 The warrior pharaoh Tuthmosis III referred to the hour indicated by the sun 's shadow at a critical juncture of one of his campaigns in Asia , and it would therefore seem that he carried with him a portable sun-clock .
17 In it Jacobi referred to the theory of the momentariness of all things formulated by the Sautrânkitas , a Buddhist sect which originated in the second or first century BC .
18 Homer referred to the ‘ wine-dark sea ’ not because the Mediterranean was the colour of wine , but because it intoxicated with its obscurity .
19 She referred to the bestial man who fathered her as ‘ him ’ and never ‘ father ’ .
20 In a post-war broadcast in 1946 , he referred to the development of eight-feet wide trams with resilient wheels which he hoped to introduce to Blackpool , and these were manifested in the 1952 Coronation trams .
21 You may have heard of a technique called ‘ path analysis ’ and have wondered if it referred to the methods discussed in this chapter .
22 First , it referred to the ability of a worker to move about within a workshop — hopefully from process to process — a mobility bestowed by ‘ knowledge ’ of different processes which in turn involved familiarity with the tools of the trade and the necessary skill to use them .
23 In the opening pages of the book I referred to the pragmademic gap that seems to exist between pragmatists who have not had the benefit of a formal systems education , but might wish to make use of soft systems ideas , and those who have developed and applied these ideas at a more academic level .
24 The Report by the Council of Chief State School Officers of the US referred to the economic imperative of quality education for all ; it is more than that — all young people have the right to quality education .
25 He referred to the school at Lyons , and indeed knew Bourgelat personally .
26 He frequently referred to the students when they were at College , and for long after , as his ‘ children ’ .
27 George IV became patron on 27 May 1827 and the College minutes , which referred to the Veterinary College on 25 May 1828 , used the title Royal in June .
28 His next interest was comparative anatomy , and he soon referred to the ‘ celebrated Dr Hunter ’ .
29 The continuations were classified as to whether or not a plural description was used which referred to the target individuals , or whether singular references were used .
30 But as we have seen , he referred to the Duddon valley as ‘ the darling of my heart ’ — he says in the Guide that Mr. West ‘ contented himself by speaking of the scenery of easy access from the public roads , for he has entirely omitted the vast and romantic wilds which lie between the sea and the chain of lofty mountains , beginning at Coniston and ending at Lows Water — who shall traverse Seathwaite , Eskdale Wastdale , Ennerdale and Ennersaledale , and not be ready to acknowledge that the Western side of his tour , though probably less beautiful , is infinitely more magnificent than the Eastern side ? ’
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