Example sentences of "leaning over the " in BNC.

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1 Leaning over the parapet to watch the young bloods in the river sprucing up their horses for the fair .
2 Elinor leaning over the crazy gate and Otley with his field glasses .
3 A child leaning over the edge of a precipice .
4 He stayed where he was , leaning over the rail and looking out across the straits towards Spain .
5 For this reason the series of electric fences around the fields at Heyside Farm , put up mainly to prevent the young horses leaning over the top of the rails , has to be switched off whenever Milton is turned out .
6 They stood in silence for a while , leaning over the balustrade and looking out to sea .
7 As he opened the door he saw the official , stripped naked , leaning over the bath .
8 I remember that the occupant — a very old , very small man — spent all his time leaning over the gate , watching the world go by .
9 As he threw his bike into the timber shed Yanto spotted his friend and workmate , Billy Tolboys , leaning over the ship 's rail .
10 The Bishop fumbled amongst the pieces of parchment which littered his table and , leaning over the table , threw one scroll into Corbett 's lap .
11 One of the women was cleaning a necklace of silver rupees with an old toothbrush , scrubbing the coins one by one , then leaning over the bank to rinse them in the river till they shone .
12 The old man blinks up through milky , uncomprehending eyes as the father , leaning over the table on knuckled hands , spits out his loathing in a voice too low to be overheard .
13 They were leaning over the shelter putting more earth round the walls when Zach arrived .
14 The presence of clowns at the windows , leaning over the balconies , walking up and down , hands in pockets , fags in mouths adds an additional surreal touch .
15 She came to the river after about five minutes and stood on the bridge , leaning over the parapet to watch the water race by .
16 He looked very worried and nodded respectfully to the three of them before leaning over the bed , concern evident on his face .
17 Emily said , turning toward him and leaning over the arm of the chair .
18 One of my all-time favourite paintings is his portrait of Patricia Preece in the stripy shirt , leaning over the chair , absolutely brilliant !
19 She was outside , leaning over the balcony , gulping in air , the image of the tiny goat-creature like a mocking demon , burning indelibly in the redness behind her closed lids .
20 A man and a woman watched as we came alongside with myself leaning over the side of the open bridge of Venturous .
21 Two horses were leaning over the gate into the yard .
22 Leaning over the side and straining her eyes in the pre-dawn light , she scanned the sea .
23 The door opened suddenly and a furious Algernon emerged to find James leaning over the stair rail listening quietly .
24 Leaning over the glass counter of his booth , the young man in charge was deep in conversation with an elderly gentleman draped with cameras , and she was gazing into the face of quite a different person .
25 He had got restlessly to his feet and was leaning over the green wooden railing that came to waist height at the edge of the veranda , but after a suppressed exclamation he wheeled to face his sister again .
26 That silhouette leaning over the railing of the darkened veranda just beyond her window was definitely his .
27 And while I was leaning over the side , Sogono tapped me on the shoulder and said , ‘ How many soldier you kill , Chinaman ?
28 And er one of the men that was helping the old man to do something , to repair the the these tools you know , and he he 'd gone to the stores to get something and leaning over the counter to get something er er to sort of talk as one goes on a on a counter lean he was leaning a on the counter , and he erm the the the storeman he was a tough little beggar , and he said , I 've got a I 've got a I 've got a toothache .
29 Some are workaday freighters from Russia , Panama and Japan , their crews leaning over the rails chewing , drinking from mugs and watching the passing scene with a worldly dispassion .
30 There were few customers and the landlady had been leaning over the bar reading the Daily Mirror .
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