Example sentences of "continually [v-ing] over " in BNC.

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1 Small , compact , puckish , he had the aura of an insatiably inquisitive vole , continually turning over ideas , playing with them , and challenging you to come clean about what you thought .
2 She made her way down the corridor that led off from the bar room , continually glancing over her shoulder , half expecting to see either her father or her uncle behind her .
3 Groups were continually dividing over minor points of doctrine .
4 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
5 It proved a nuisance to the horses , who were continually tripping over , and I began to see why communications ‘ up at the front ’ were so haphazard .
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