Example sentences of "independently of the " in BNC.

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1 At times his voice went through its paces almost independently of the sense .
2 I promised at the outset , however , to show that reductive treatment of these features of the mind leads to an incoherent conception of the world , quite independently of the inadequacies of the reductions themselves : that is , even if the reduction of consciousness and thought were not independently flawed , the picture of the world that emerges is incoherent .
3 The constraint that we shall perceive only that which is ‘ really there ’ is a true constraint only if ‘ really there ’ can be defined independently of the usual constraints of perception .
4 Conversely , on the materialist model it is much more homophobia itself , as an aspect of the construction of homosexuality and independently of the question of the actual subjective repression of desire , which helps secure a coerced identity and social organization ; homophobia enforces the heterosexual norm by policing its boundaries : ‘ Homophobia is only incidentally directed against homosexuals — its more common use is against the 49% of the population which is male …
5 The critiques and the alternative policies found an audience because of a number of worrying developments in the mid-1970s ( Chapter 5 ) , independently of the campaigns of Sir Keith Joseph and Mrs Thatcher .
6 Society viewed as a system for production and distribution , conceived of independently of the actors ' representations or justifications of the system , is what was later called the ‘ social formation ’ .
7 But if the lizards ever took to forest or crag life , the fringes would be a preadaptation to leaping and parachuting , and — perhaps — a nudge towards the evolution of gliding , independently of the modern flying lizard draco volans .
8 They apply only to sight , and leave the reader assuming that , unlike what we see , what we touch exists independently of the mind .
9 There seemed to be no place for the concept of a human soul sustained by a divine being , which exists in other religions , independently of the Christian accretion of the Man-God and suffering Saviour .
10 You also need plenty of room , since the iron does not operate independently of the vapour tank .
11 And the needs of people with learning difficulties and their carers , above all , can not be defined and prescribed independently of the process of encouraging and helping them to welcome opportunities and change .
12 circular DNA molecules able to replicate independently of the chromosome in microorganisms .
13 Some repetition of certain material does occur , however , in several chapters , although this means that each chapter may be read almost independently of the others .
14 The overarching cultural structure includes a system of rights and obligations , the family organization and the child-rearing practices , yet each of these levels is distinct in that , to a degree , it can shift independently of the others .
15 Many such creatures contain nervous organelles that operate independently of the other systems .
16 As learning ability developed , however , whole response repertoires of acquired behaviour became possible and functioned largely independently of the innate bases .
17 That is , in every case I will first make up my own mind independently of the ‘ authority 's ’ verdict , and then , in those cases in which my judgment differs from its , I will add a certain weight to the solution favoured by it , on the ground that it , the authority , knows better than I. This procedure will reverse my independent judgment in a certain proportion of the cases .
18 It is binding only if the conditions of the normal justification thesis are substantially met independently of the consent .
19 Assuming that it is what it should be , it does no more than incorporate into law a moral right existing independently of the law .
20 1981 ) that a novel environment might serve as a dishabituator causing the original attentional response to be reinstated ; in addition the novel environment might , quite independently of the stimuli presented in it , have an arousing effect that helps learning .
21 Major variations are made in foaming levels , which can be altered at will , entirely independently of the basic cleaning power of the product .
22 To perform the aids correctly the rider must have a firm steady seat and be able to use each leg and hand independently of the other .
23 Only in this case can breathing and heartbeat continue independently of the patient 's own ability to sustain them .
24 Finally , by a natural progression , there may be no activity at all in the summit crater , instead the new eruption may take place completely independently of the main volcano , and a new mini-volcano or parasitic cone may be built up .
25 The bait dropper is normally used independently of the rod with which you are fishing , and the swimfeeder is used as part of the end tackle to which your baited hook is attached .
26 Although the day-to-day arrangements in Birmingham were similar to those in London , a brief account of the details is useful because Birmingham was the first and the largest provincial area to operate a scheme independently of the Board of Trade .
27 In any situation where there is felt to be problems , these will not exist independently of the human beings involved .
28 The hallucinations move independently of the eyes , suggesting that the patterns are generated in the visual cortex of the brain rather than on the retina .
29 With these processes , our edge processes and the technique of conjugation , one can actually solve all four of our basic subproblems independently of the others and it is possible to do them in any order , although it is difficult to orient pieces that are not yet in their correct position .
30 Transposons are fragments of DNA that seem to have evolved the ability to reduplicate themselves independently of the chromosomes in which they are integrated , and to re-integrate duplicate copies in other parts of the chromosome .
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