Example sentences of "believing that [det] " in BNC.

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1 This reflects two German habits : an old one , an academic tradition that takes the ‘ science ’ bit in social science very seriously ; and a newer yearning for consensus , for believing that all sensible people really agree with each other .
2 Believing that all he had to do was crown himself and slay the princes , Malekith marched into the sacred flame , confident that like his father before him he could endure the ordeal .
3 I appeal to the international community not to be flattered into believing that all these cosmetic changes are real changes , and to see to it that we , have a voice and a vote .
4 ‘ The idea of believing that all cyclist are handbag snatchers is ludicrous .
5 I would do so again , believing that that relationship corresponds best with the reality of the processes which determine the composition and content of care within the NHS .
6 ‘ ( 3 ) A person who has been released on bail in criminal proceedings and is under a duty to surrender into the custody of a court may be arrested without warrant by a constable — ( a ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is not likely to surrender to custody ; ( b ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is likely to break any of the conditions of his bail or has reasonable grounds for suspecting that that person has broken any of those conditions ; or … ( 4 ) A person arrested in pursuance of subsection ( 3 ) above — ( a ) shall , except where he was arrested within 24 hours of the time appointed for him to surrender to custody , be brought as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours after his arrest before a justice of the peace for the petty sessions area in which he was arrested ; and ( b ) in the said excepted case shall be brought before the court at which he was to have surrendered to custody .
7 ‘ ( 3 ) A person who has been released on bail in criminal proceedings and is under a duty to surrender into the custody of a court may be arrested without warrant by a constable — ( a ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is not likely to surrender to custody ; ( b ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is likely to break any of the conditions of his bail or has reasonable grounds for suspecting that that person has broken any of those conditions ; or … ( 4 ) A person arrested in pursuance of subsection ( 3 ) above — ( a ) shall , except where he was arrested within 24 hours of the time appointed for him to surrender to custody , be brought as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours after his arrest before a justice of the peace for the petty sessions area in which he was arrested ; and ( b ) in the said excepted case shall be brought before the court at which he was to have surrendered to custody .
8 In my judgment , Parliament intended to and did provide a simple and expeditious method of dealing with a person arrested without warrant by a constable who had reasonable grounds for believing that that person had broken a condition of his bail , or was likely to break a condition of his bail , or was likely to fail to surrender to custody .
9 erm now the strongest reason , I think , for believing that that is not the case is that it does n't come from the fossil record , it comes simply from looking at organisms today .
10 She is dubious about the mass appropriation of hip hop style in fashion , believing that many stylists are ‘ cashing in ’ .
11 With his accountant 's help he eventually moved his accounts to the Midland , which gave him the overdraft on reasonable terms , but he is critical of the way banks look at small businesses , believing that many only look at the business sector rather than at the person running a particular business .
12 The general public has a tendency to assume that nurses experience a strong desire to care for others , perhaps believing that many feel a true vocation or ‘ divine call ’ to the work , although it is probably less usual to describe it in these terms today .
13 The CIGS , General ( later Field Marshal ) Sir Francis Festing , felt the price of Sandys ' Reformation was too high and considered resignation , but the other Chiefs would not support him , believing that such gestures would have little impact on a government that had the full support of Parliament and the electorate for its Defence policy .
14 The search must be no more than reasonably required for the purposes of discovering such evidence and there must be reasonable grounds for believing that such evidence will be found .
15 Again he follows Aristotle in believing that each child ought to be male and that a female is the result of misadventure .
16 It is further urged upon me that the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact with each other , and the justices being satisfied that there were grounds for believing that both the children were likely to suffer significant harm , which was a specific finding that they made , they were plainly wrong in refusing to make an interim order in that they first of all failed to have regard to the fact that the parents had colluded over the cause of D. 's injuries , and there was evidence to that effect ; secondly , that the mother had lied to social services , Dr. Barnardo 's and the guardian about having had at the relevant times no contact with the father — and that is indeed what the mother has done , she has lied ; and , thirdly , that the father had been in breach of a term of the bail conditions which had been imposed upon him , not only on 23 December 1991 but ever since his release in as much as he had visited and contacted the mother .
17 The task of the theist , as I see it in this book , is to define what he or she means by the word ‘ God ’ , and to give some evidence for believing that this Deity exists .
18 But there are no convincing reasons for believing that this would have a beneficial effect on economic performance .
19 He made numerous studies of insects , believing that this could lead to the production of useful materials and to ways of controlling insect pests .
20 I have seen people deteriorate quickly when they give up a routine , believing that this is the right thing to do .
21 The UK , in particular , is fundamentally opposed to the idea of compulsory employee participation , believing that this is an area best left to individual company policy and fearing that giving in on the issue in this context could lead to similar measures becoming a compulsory feature of EC company law .
22 R placed great emphasis on the Government 's efforts in education , perhaps believing that this approach would evoke a sympathetic response from its recently educated African readership .
23 The woman who had a haemorrhage for twelve years , and probably suffered from haemophilia , touched the cloak of Jesus believing that this was all she had to do to be healed .
24 It is the only one where someone touched Jesus believing that this was all they had to do to be healed .
25 There are two reasons for believing that this is n't true .
26 Mexico 's government has been trying to promote ‘ eco-tourism ’ in the area , believing that this will save the butterflies ' trees from the attentions of woodcutters .
27 Early in February 1726 Montrose instructed his commissioner in Scotland to organise his friends to support the plan of a reduction in emoluments for the collector , believing that this would discourage the new candidates and ensure Kirkton 's re-election , for the duke was determined ‘ to stand by him upon the above terms , I mean of a smaller sellary for the future ’ .
28 Let us hope then that England produce a performance of such mind-bending awfulness in order to succumb to this dodgy outfit , who probably ca n't believe that they are still in with a shout , and may thus fool themselves into believing that this is their year … at least until they hear the result from Turkey .
29 Unless we have good reasons for believing that this continuous supply of potential users has somehow become ‘ inoculated ’ against heroin use ( e.g. through effective drug education ) , then we have to accept that the concept of total ‘ saturation ’ may be implausible .
30 I make no bones about believing that this should always be at the lowest possible level , making me an enthusiastic decentraliser and a sceptical centraliser — whether to Whitehall and Brussels , or Westminster and Strasbourg .
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