Example sentences of "expects [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One major problem affecting growth is that residential accommodation in the City is expensive and in short supply , and the local planning authority expects the University and the colleges to provide accommodation for all additional students .
2 Union Bank of Switzerland expects the dollar to begin trading higher against the Deutschmark before the end of 1992 .
3 By the end of this year , Ousley expects the split to be 80%-20% between open systems and proprietary revenues — Europe is now its biggest market .
4 John Hopkins , the Liberal Democrat councillor leading opposition against the ban , expects the ban to be dropped : ‘ banning bikes from the centre of Cambridge is like banning gondoliers from Venice . ’
5 Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH says that it now expects its subscriber base to reach 200,000 next month , ahead of plan , but still expects the level to be between 300,000 and 350,000 by year-end ; it is still looking for profits in 1994-95 .
6 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
7 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
8 There are just three employees on the payroll now , but McQuillen expects the centre to employ 50 by the end of this year — and 200 jobs are expected to be created within three years .
9 Next year , before privatisation receipts , the Red Book expects the Budget deficit to be £38 billion .
10 That is just as well , because , after the initial curiosity value , Muddle expects the attendance to fall to around 500 .
11 The IMF expects the imbalances to widen again this year and next .
12 DEC expects the software to be used in growing applications such as telemarketing and in customer service .
13 The City expects the Chancellor to alter but not altogether abandon the rule , effectively reducing the amount of gilt-edged stock bought in by the Bank of England .
14 The company expects the Motif drag-and-drop , which it substituted for its proprietary GUI , to shorten the learning curve .
15 While , theoretically , local authorities may spend their own incomes in ways they themselves choose , the government , in calculating local government grants , increasingly indicates how it expects the authorities to allocate funds between priorities .
16 Stuff of nightmares No one expects the life of a Peruvian gold prospector to be easy , but I doubt if many would expect to die from the bite of a rabid vampire bat .
17 Speaking at the company 's developers conference , Apple Computer Inc chairman John Sculley said he expects the company 's strong momentum to continue into the second half of the fiscal year , adding that among new products on the stocks are the speech recognition computer system code-named Caspar and the pen-based portable notebook .
18 With the graphics visualisation market apparently booming at present , PV says it expects the company to report an increase in profits this year of $19.3m , up $2.5m from the previous year 's $16.8m .
19 Binoche expects the painting to fetch about £30m , but the figure depends on whether it gets a French export licence .
20 The revision results mainly from the woes of Germany , where the OECD expects the recession to deepen .
21 He expects the jump from county to Test cricket to be another step up in terms of bowling and concentration .
22 With the restaurant gone , Picon expects the Cypriot corridor , now lined with Cypriot archaic sculpture and glorious Boscotrecase frescoes , to cease being a corridor and become a calm gallery again — instead of a passageway from the Great Hall to the restaurant , which can turn into a snarl of baby strollers on a Saturday .
23 In the following example , the question-tag is ‘ are n't they ’ ; when it has a falling tone , as in ( a ) , the implication is said to be that the speaker is comparatively certain that the information is correct , and simply expects the listener to provide confirmation , while the rising tone in ( b ) is said to indicate a lesser degree of certainty , so that the question-tag functions more like a request for information .
24 The car park charging scheme will cost £67,000 but the council expects the income from charges to be greater than the cost of setting up the scheme in the first year .
25 He writes it all down , he sends it all in and expects the system to handle it . .
26 Citicorp Scrimgeour Vickers expects the water authorities to be floated on the stock market with dividend yields of between 6.5 per cent and 8.5 per cent .
27 Tulip expects the reorganisation measures it has implemented will trim its costs significantly , with 92 of the 420 Dutch staff being laid off .
28 The King takes a disliking to the cheshire cat but expects the cat to show respect towards him .
29 That cost will now be shared with MCI , which expects the venture to be profitable after two years .
30 The effect of this on the energy spectrum is contained in the second term of eqn ( 20.7 ) ; i.e. one expects the transfer of energy to be primarily from low wavenumbers to high .
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