Example sentences of "to present [pn reflx] as " in BNC.

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1 Each is eager to present himself as the most qualified man to head off protectionist measures and to restore Japan 's good name , which lately has been looking a little tarnished .
2 The obverse of his strength as party leader in the peculiar circumstances of British politics today has been his inability to present himself as a national leader .
3 He wo n't do it without help from his manager , a man who likes to present himself as a disciplinarian but who appears powerless to prevent his players misbehaving on the field .
4 He has always worked hard to present himself as a rounded political being and flung himself into debates on law and public safety , the environment and unemployment .
5 Bosch , who had moderated his left-wing image to present himself as the defender of the small and medium businessman in the face of state bureaucracy and corruption , still retained the appeal of the reformer who had been ousted from office by the military in 1963 and by the invasion of US troops in 1965 .
6 The successful Peronist in San Luis , incumbent governor Alberto Rodríguez Saa , announced his intention to present himself as a candidate for the 1995 presidential elections .
7 With Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa established as the standard-bearer of the Democratic Party 's liberal wing in the nomination race , Clinton 's strategy , like that of Bob Kerrey , was to present himself as a " new " alternative offering change from the party 's past ( see p. 38427 ) .
8 It allowed Franco to play the nationalist card more blatantly than ever , using his public appearances to recall the horrors of the Civil War and to present himself as both martyr on the altar of Spain 's liberation from communism and guarantor of the continued existence of Spain as a coherent socio-political entity .
9 Psychology 's concern to present itself as a self-contained discourse means that connections with specific historical and social circumstances , even with other discourses , can in the end play little part in it .
10 The fact that it also rejects punishment in favour of individualised treatment geared to the particular needs of the offender has meant that , unlike deterrence , it has managed to present itself as a humane , caring alternative to the ‘ primitive revenge ’ of retribution .
11 For Acheson , who became Secretary of State in January 1949 , as for most of the Administration , Congress and probably most of the American people , and as a straight and simple choice , France was more important than Vietnam or Indo-China and more valuable than a party aspiring to be government which , in spite of impeccable anti-colonial credentials and its ability to present itself as all things to all men , was beginning to look more and more like an affiliated communist state .
12 Our subsequent contacts with school staff in the city indicated that the legacy was a powerful and often negative one , and that it continued to be reinforced because despite a general loosening of LEA control and a government-sponsored shift to a greater measure of school self-determination , the Authority was perceived by schools as continuing to present itself as the main definer and arbiter of good practice .
13 The year following the final Soviet withdrawal of troops was marked by the collapse of the mujaheddin as a real military threat to the Kabul government , and by the failure of its government to present itself as a viable political alternative .
14 The impact of that on Leeds residents perception of the migration opportunities is quite different quite different from a new settlement on a very accessible corridor which would have to be promoted and would have to be built quickly to be to present itself as a successful venture .
15 At the same time , through a somewhat unlikely relationship with the emergent Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev , she was able to present herself as no longer an ‘ iron lady ’ but an instrument of greater international co-operation .
16 These theories enabled Prussia to present herself as the motor of German unification , a metaphor which connotes both power and a leading role .
17 Her expert fingers fumbled clumsily at his fly , as she wanted to present herself as a nervous , but willing , maiden .
18 What are people in Britain to make of this as you come here to present yourselves as a a future er lottery operator ?
19 They advertise for people to present themselves as possible magistrates .
20 The lawyers acting for the parents tried to present themselves as friends , representatives who would speak on behalf of the parents .
21 What must be realised is that teachers are rarely confident or certain enough to present themselves as ‘ progressives ’ or ‘ traditionalists ’ .
22 It belongs to German nature to present oneself as un-German : a tendency to cosmopolitanism , to undermine the sense of nationhood are inseparable from the essence of German nationality ; the idea that one must lose one 's Germanness as much as possible in order to find it , that any restriction to the purely German is felt to be barbaric .
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