Example sentences of "reach the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These bones amplify the sound eighteen times , mainly because they concentrate all the waves which reach the eardrum onto the much smaller oval window .
2 When you reach the hock , grasp the leg around the stifle ( as illustrated ) and continue brushing .
3 But that is not the end of the story ; networks will not only serve the interests of the market ; they bring within reach the possibility of the surveillance of whole populations , with serious implications for personal privacy .
4 Thousands reach the West and more follow
5 Cry freedom , as sealed trains reach the West
6 Cardiff looked over the stair-rail , and saw a monstrous shadow reach the first-floor landing .
7 The Trust is not an anglers ' or owners ' association and takes no side in the arguments between the supporters or sporting and commercial fishing , but it does believe that salmon should be taken only in their rivers of origin or their estuaries so that the total level of fishing effort can be controlled in order to ensure that enough fish reach the spawning sites to maintain stocks naturally .
8 When you reach the base of the skull , use all your fingers and gently circle the area several times to release any muscle tension ( see Fig. 18 ) .
9 When they reach the base of the cliff they leap out of the waves , scrabbling for a foothold and not stopping until they are well out of reach of the sea .
10 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
11 Many Bills never even reach the floor of the House simply because , even though they are Government Bills , time can not be found .
12 When we reach the pit straight again , exceeding 130 mph , Brundle tells me to listen out for the tone of screaming on the front left tyre .
13 just as you reach the square you will pass , to your left , the Scuole Arcimbolde , a huge building adjacent to the church of Sant' Alessandro .
14 Take the obvious path at the rear of the churchyard and follow it down until you reach the valley road .
15 This story will seem strangely familiar when we reach the Arch of Peace !
16 To expand this valuable service to Northern Ireland and reach the organisation 's goal of answering every child 's call first time , funds are badly needed .
17 I get a stitch by the time I reach the telephone box .
18 When we reach the guard tent . ’
19 Only very few of these pretty little fish reach the aquarium market , coming from the Great Barrier Reef and areas of Oceania .
20 A forager learns many things about a food source that aid her in the future , including its colour , shape , odour , location , nearby landmarks , time of nectar production , how to approach , land , enter , and reach the nectar , and so on .
21 At the fork halfway up the hill you must keep by the cemetery side to find the Poly , which comes into view as you reach the parking lot at the top of the hill .
22 Sharpe twisted to look behind and saw the first Dragoons reach the skyline .
23 This is because they reach the bloodstream via the lungs and skin and work systemically , influencing the body as a whole .
24 When you reach the abdomen , gently circle the area in a clockwise direction to aid peristalsis ( waves of muscular contractions which move food through the intestines ) .
25 The refracted rays then reach the retina .
26 ‘ That 's no good , is it ? — He , 11 be dead before I even reach the phone . ’
27 The real value of a key deposited with a neighbour comes when you are ill or incapacitated and can only call for help or reach the phone , but not reach the front door .
28 We reach the station at the same moment as an elegant train loaded with ladies preening themselves in their furs and hats , the men all wearing dark suits .
29 If there is enough time before you reach the station , you will eventually average out your drift allowances .
30 Record mogul Michael Bivins was in town to see a show and the Boyz managed to sneak past security guards pinch a back-stage pass and reach the man himself .
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