Example sentences of "break out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The reason unforgiving strategies do n't do very well is that they ca n't break out of runs of mutual recrimination , even when their opponent is ‘ remorseful ’ .
2 No doubt if I can not break out of the convention of thinking as though I were a detached Ego contemplating unmoved both the possible consequences and my fear of them , it will seem that I can have no reason to stop smoking unless I recognize some further imperative such as ‘ Take care of your health ’ .
3 However , most of us now admit that reason unassisted by observation can never break out of the closed circle of logic and mathematics .
4 ‘ If man can not create anything or move anybody , if he can not break out of the prison of his total narcissism and isolation , he can escape the unbearable sense of vital impotence and nothingness only by affirming himself in the act of destruction of the life that he is unable to create .
5 There is person A , who seems to be strangely in the power of person B , and though he is deriving no visible benefit from the relationship , can not break out of it .
6 Caplow is aware of the problems of selling a long-lasting product ( business advisors have warned him against workwear 's long-term potential ) , although , like Roger Wade at Carhartt , he thinks the workwear brands can break out of their cult status .
7 With Skinny Puppy signed to a major , it looks like they could soon break out of the cult ghetto .
8 There 's nothing that drastically bad in behaving that way , but you 've let it become a habit , one that you ca n't break out of very easily .
9 With Skinny Puppy signed to a major , it looks like they could soon break out of the cult ghetto .
10 If the girl avoids becoming trapped , through an unwanted pregnancy , into an unsatisfactory lifestyle with an unsupportive or absent marital partner , she may still break out of the adverse chain of events .
11 He can break out of the space of desperation .
12 This system is laborious , and if the fencing equipment is not carefully maintained , stock can break out with disastrous results .
13 Thirdly , if war did break out with Tito , what would be the response of Tito 's Communist ally , the Soviet Union , with its immensely powerful forces stationed nearby ?
14 Some years later , to give one final example of the kind of trouble that could break out at football games , the police found it necessary to lead a baton charge against stone-throwers during a contest between Linfield and Belfast Celtic in 1935 .
15 In our discussion of the constitution we shall break out into a critical , historical , and political approach .
16 Minor scuffles may also break out between father and sons .
17 The males do like to set up a territory , and minor skirmishes can break out between them if the tank is not large enough to allow two or three separate domains .
18 The young men who had grown to manhood in the past fourteen years had had no experience of war , and little of fighting , other than the kind that might break out between neighbours , or the kind they saw during their service at court , when a raid on coast or frontier had to be repelled , or the King 's justice enforced .
19 Yet our present line of argument shows that there is another possibility that , because of failures in individual and superego development , such conflicts will no longer be confined within the personality , but may break out between it and the outside world .
20 The Soviet Union , for its part , let it be known that if serious trouble did break out in East Germany Soviet troops would not move in , as they did to quell the 1953 revolt — so long as the West did not interfere either .
21 In a play on the official Nazi designation of Munich as ‘ Capital of the Movement ’ , it was now dubbed unofficially the ‘ Capital of the Counter-Movement ’ ; it was said that propaganda advocating the restoration of the monarchy was increasing , that it was no longer advisable to use the ‘ Heil Hitler ’ greeting or wear the Party arm-badge , and that ‘ sooner or later ’ a revolution could break out in Munich .
22 The fire did not break out in a deserted building in the middle of nowhere in the wee small hours of the morning .
23 It also contained all the features of the protest which would break out in 1989 as the ‘ patriotic democracy movement ’ .
24 Finally , one look at the South Africans ' itinerary for the next six months — tests against Romania , Italy , then New Zealand , Australia , France and England — is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat .
25 It is wrong to suggest that , because the Serbs have made ethnic expansion work , the same phenomenon will instantly break out in many other places .
26 She stands for the civilization of the South , of the Midi , the home of the troubadours , against the sterner , rougher , cruder world of the North , represented , in this image , by her husband , the King of the North Wind , whose authority she is subtly undermining and against whom she will soon break out in open rebellion .
27 The loading had made him break out in a terrible sweat and perspiration ran down his forehead into his eyes .
28 They are ‘ normal events ’ , arising almost naturally out of the circumstances of the employment relationship itself : ‘ A wildcat can break out in perfectly normal conditions , and the structure of the relations between employers , trade unions , governments and workers guarantees that some strikes will grow from small beginnings into mighty struggles ’ ( p.241 ) .
29 A low rumble of thunder made her skin break out in a fine rash of goosepimples , and Julius glanced at her sharply as he noticed them .
30 Fire would break out in the house and he would be trapped in his room , unconscious ; she would climb up the ivy at the back of the house and help him to get out .
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