Example sentences of "regardless of the " in BNC.

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1 The current obsession with pseudo-Victorian and other bogus ‘ historical ’ styles imposed willy-nilly and quite regardless of the true age of the pub , seems to suggest two things ; firstly that pub designers and fitters have completely lost their way , both in recognising and respecting what is genuinely old and in looking for a wholeheartedly modern pub style ; secondly that there is some king of awareness , correct but misguided , that people like their pubs to look old and feel familiar .
2 If there is not enough room to get down straight ahead , obviously a turn has to be made regardless of the height ; there is no point in flying on into wind and losing valuable height and space ahead .
3 The most important thing to emphasise is that , regardless of the attitude of the glider , if it is not responding to moving back on the stick or if the stick is hitting the back stop , a forward movement must be made to allow the glider to unstall .
4 The uniform ‘ polis ’ , by contrast , feels that regardless of the offence or its value , he is primarily dealing ‘ at first hand ’ with ‘ prigs ’ and is thus fulfilling another metaphorically prized position as ‘ a good collar feeler ’ .
5 Given that the police are essentially an organization constrained by an ingrained respect for the pragmatism of action — regardless of the lip-service paid to the police college , the ‘ special course ’ , or the university scholarship — it was inevitable that the hierarchy would follow the dictates of institutional philosophy and pull the marginal mover in from the periphery ; for there is a boundary beyond which the pilgrim can not be allowed to stray .
6 Some broken bones have no more than a hairline crack in them , but this is enough to cause your withdrawal from competition , regardless of the stage you are at .
7 Class S works on the clear principle that the inputs to A2 must both be driven to the same potential regardless of the input voltage to AL , ie , a virtual earth .
8 Martial law orders empower military tribunals to ‘ waive unnecessary witnesses ’ and to impose death sentences ‘ regardless of the provisions under existing laws ’ .
9 This is true , regardless of the opinion that some people have of Syria , and of their unhappiness at Syria 's presence in Lebanon .
10 Release without consent will be a crime , regardless of the innocuousness or otherwise of the organism .
11 ‘ They have been ready to give priority to their own interests regardless of the effects on other unions and particularly on the Welsh Rugby Union . ’
12 Dr Gerson became convinced that the treatment helped the body to heal itself , regardless of the nature of the disease .
13 But lovers of the palaces need not fear that the overriding aim of the new management is to turn the current £5m annual loss into profit regardless of the consequences .
14 The FIA said last week that the results of the Spanish Grand Prix would remain , regardless of the outcome of any appeal .
15 If your employee has been employed by you for a continuous period of at least 26 weeks into the qualifying week , regardless of the number of hours worked , she is eligible for lower rate SMP .
16 It is a place where there live side by side in mutual intercourse persons whose life is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake , regardless of the consequences or applications of the knowledge thus acquired .
17 But , regardless of the future , Senna already has 10 points under his belt .
18 It belongs to us as individuals regardless of the power of the State or the claims of the State .
19 This differs from the Abbey National share allocation , where just one share allocation was permitted per saver , regardless of the number of accounts held .
20 Weary of Israel 's ceaseless importuning , it recently produced a long and scholarly ‘ confidential report ’ which concludes that , since Arafat told the UN General Assembly last December that he recognised Israel 's right to exist and ‘ renounced ’ terrorism , the PLO has not been speaking with ‘ forked tongues ’ and its declarations have ‘ for the most part been consistent , regardless of the media in which they appear . ’
21 There are no recurrent natural events so mindlessly implacable and dispiriting as droughts and , regardless of the argument about the true cause of 1988s , the televised scenes of dying maize and despairing farmers became the hinge of a turn in the Western world 's chief preoccupation , from the threat of nuclear annihilation to climate change .
22 Man is a god in ruins , thought Emerson , and perhaps at the end of the twentieth century much the same could be said of his world , a still beautiful but ravaged paradise which , regardless of the tenets of sustainable development will not be passed on to the next century in better or even the same condition , in fact , almost certainly in worse condition as a result of meeting the needs of another billion or so people .
23 It believes that the government wants a short-term profitable fishery regardless of the consequences for the crab fishery or the dolphins .
24 A barrel of oil costs Poland so many dollars regardless of the zloty 's exchange rate .
25 It is a failure regardless of the exchange rate .
26 The allies should not welcome this , though the argument for fighting on regardless of the latest Soviet efforts at peacemaking was neither bloodthirsty nor trivial .
27 Baumol 's theory of contestable markets states that consumer welfare can be maximised regardless of the number of firms in an industry , as long as it is greater than one .
28 Many other European countries , regardless of the political complexion of their governments , are reforming health care along internal-market lines ( see page 30 ) .
29 If at first you do n't succeed , persistence should ensure that your ‘ body of work ’ will finally win you an Oscar , regardless of the merits of the performance in question .
30 If he wants to import vehicles or components from Taiwan or Singapore or Hong Kong into Europe , he 'll go ahead and do it , regardless of the economic consequences for the European countries concerned .
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