Example sentences of "hung on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In summer the word ‘ warmer ’ was covered by a wooden panel , hung on nails , which read ‘ cooler ’ .
2 They are plain , simple gates of 8 inch thick wood hung on bronze hinges .
3 Another two jackets hung on hangers on pegs on the wall .
4 Beside the path hung dishevelled pink chrysanthemums , like pink cloths hung on bushes ( 18 ) .
5 She says that flat paintings hung on walls are outmoded .
6 They hung on walls , they leaned against each other in piles by the walls , they were stacked in corners .
7 Would they be tidier and more accessible hung on pegboards ?
8 It was not soldiering where all hung on victory or defeat , as in other armies , but rather a stylish profession of arms , aimed at bringing greater glory to France and to the Legion .
9 He leant over to where keys hung on hooks in the wall and took a huge , rusting one down .
10 Mrs Hollidaye was incapable of understanding how the thought of having to leave tomorrow hung on Dot 's shoulders like a heavy woollen cloak of despair .
11 Numerous sponge bags hung on pegs , some with rubber ducks poking out !
12 A large collection of sun-hats hung on pegs in the entrance hall , bowls were filled with dried lavender and a huge pottery jar was crammed with walking-sticks , some of which had ornate silver handles .
13 Hers hung on picture hooks .
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