Example sentences of "to express [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Frustrated at the limited roles offered to black actresses , they produced On A Level , a revue-style show ‘ which gave us a chance to express ourselves as artists , not stereotypes ’ .
2 Fashion editors , after all , are forever exhorting us to express ourselves in every peplum , to use checks to tell the world where we are at , and to affirm our commitment to the modern lifestyle with Lycra .
3 For example , when we speak we tend to express ourselves in short sentences — more " full stops ’ — but in the written language the same ideas are more usually expressed in longer sentences — more commas — and the style and the choice of words will not always be the same .
4 For example , a man who wished to make certain grievances clear to his boss decided that this was best approached , in the first instance , by writing to his boss because he realized that , were he to try to do this face to face , he would find it difficult to express himself without losing his temper .
5 Perpetually subdued by the rigours of behaviour , and almost unable to express himself outside the vernaculars of Hunting , Racing , Shooting , Fishing and Cricket , he had never been able to make his case against Nico : " Awful , awful " was the best he could do .
6 doctrine , and a view was subsequently promoted that a child could not do drama until he first learnt to express himself through movement .
7 One , keen to express himself through hard work , sees that his only choice is to ‘ better myself and pick my life up .
8 Anselm however never ceased to express himself in word and deed increasingly strongly in its favour : he persisted also in the Canterbury claim that the archbishop should be the pope 's legate in England in perpetuity .
9 Allowing the child to muck about , or does it mean free to express himself in his own childlike way , and not ape the adult 's way .
10 The motivating questions are not so much what , as why and how.From the linguist 's angle , it is " Why does the author here choose to express himself in this particular way ? "
11 Each qualitative foregrounding implicitly begs a question : what should have led the author to express himself in this exceptional way ?
12 Edward had no idea of how to express himself in that way .
13 Nevertheless , the speaker is able to express himself in a limited fashion .
14 The birthplace of the novel is the solitary individual , who is no longer able to express himself by giving examples of his most important concerns , is himself uncounselled and can not counsel others .
15 St William 's has presented itself as a prime mover and so it falls to St William 's to work out how to express itself as a managing agent .
16 With the best will in the world a bassoon can not begin to express itself in the same terms as a viola da gamba and when two of the three melodic parts are conceived for strings a precious dimension is lost by substituting woodwind .
17 There 's a strange , almost forced intimacy that can be a burden when it 's so much harder to surprise that same audience and , in Katell 's case , it seems to express itself in a cheery whimsy that masks insecurity .
18 Hanging the dress carefully in the wardrobe , though , she did begin to feel excited about tomorrow , a bubbly sort of excitement that wanted to express itself in singing or laughter .
19 The worry over her disappearance which had caused his relief that she was safe to express itself in what she acknowledged was quite justified anger had abated .
20 This behavioural plasticity and mental agility , optimized as always in the young , began sooner or later to express itself in a new mode of subsistence , namely , hunting .
21 Consequently , this fixation on the earliest , nurturing and nutritive superego-precursor seems increasingly to express itself in the form of drug-addiction .
22 But it comes down to how openly you want to express yourself as a Muslim .
23 We must assume that you know how to express yourself in sentences .
24 In other words they usually , ‘ dance classically from their feet to the waist and above that are free to express themselves as people of more definite behaviour , work , play and age ’ ( de Valois in a lecture to teachers , 1947 ) .
25 That recent ideas about immunosuppressive drugs , auto-immune syndromes and tumour viruses should join together to express themselves as a disease seems only to be expected .
26 They are strongly moved to express themselves outside the confines of their lovely bodies , while , of course , conscious that a large part of their appeal lies just there .
27 Seventhly , if the German states were to express themselves for initiating movement toward German unity , would they be ready to take into consideration the interests of other European states and to seek , on a mutually acceptable collective basis , answers to all questions and problems that might arise in that regard ?
28 But the argument is too neat , and dependent on the assumption of a desire on the part of filmmakers to express themselves about contemporary realities that was being repressed by the censorship system .
29 Choreographers wish to express themselves through dance because a story , theme or music has inspired them .
30 to give children the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of approaches including descriptive , imaginative and creative poetry and prose .
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