Example sentences of "ours was [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ours was a humble part of the operation but we were all full of admiration for the crews that carried out the raid in such difficult conditions . ’
2 Many were taken away by the Romans , others by Napoleon , but ours was a present from the Egyptian government in the last century — a jolly nice present , too , if I may say so .
3 Ours was a very happy home .
4 Cambridge is a beautiful place , and although ours was a training college and not part of the University as it is now , many University societies were open to us .
5 When Harry Collyer joined Crystal Palace FC ours was a club that had not yet so much as played a 1st Division match in the Southern League .
6 I suppose ours was a monstrous house , a great , rectangular , pale-grey stucco house , standing on a high plinth that was hidden by plumbago and a hedge of poinsettias .
7 Delighted Mr Mitchell , 32 , from Birmingham , said : ‘ Ours was a victory for the paying customer .
8 He is as daft as a brush and had to be persuaded ours was a worthwhile cause .
9 In the yard next to ours was a tiny cottage squeezed in the corner .
10 Ours was a one-off Section in that we had n't been sent to Castelnaudary where things were reputed to be much easier , and where there was a spirit of prevailing moderation which had pervaded the Legion since Mitterrand had brought it into line with the rest of the French army .
11 I mean ours was a comparably small family with two .
12 Ours was a human enterprise , but the animal kingdom played its part in the new order of being .
13 When we protested that ours was a dirt track and not a paved city street , they seemed uncertain of the rules and phoned their chief .
14 Ours was a hundred and thirty five .
15 Erm , but ours was a piece of frame work and a grating on it , and you stuck that in the window , when you opened the window you push that in so the air could come in and mosquitoes could n't .
16 Ours was the building of a railway .
17 Ours was the kind of business where the major assets walked out of the door each evening and went home .
18 The prizes , bookmarks awarded to the youngsters at a show attended by the Queen Mum , featured the flags of all the 16 NATO nations — and OURS was the only one wrong .
19 In addition , she knew that ours was the kind of show which would give her the right sort of outlet .
20 At a table behind ours was the English contingent , laughing and drinking ; they were the nucleus of the Mafia Anglais of the regiment .
21 There are regional labs covering the whole country but ours was the first .
22 That victory of ours was the first to which they gave less than their usual measure of approval .
23 Ours was an ordinary happy marriage . ’
24 Ours was an unexpected meeting .
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