Example sentences of "ours be [art] " in BNC.

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1 in that er , yeah , do n't know , well if he 's doing a , if , ours are no good when they 're finished with it will they ?
2 Ours are the hearts , but his the drums .
3 No , because I know ours are the best .
4 Between their house and ours were the double doors of the cellar , having a three inch steel bar which fitted over a staple and was fastened by an enormous padlock .
5 Ours is a bloody history , Myles .
6 One explanation for the inaccuracy of recent opinion polls is that ours is a nation of liars .
7 Rather , I have reached the reluctant conclusion that ours is a nation of liars .
8 Ours is a Republic which cares for its citizens , and will support them against a common enemy .
9 Ours is a powerful movement .
10 ‘ We have quite a number of trees with Tree Preservation Orders on them , ’ he said , ‘ and ours is a very wide area where we could do with more wardens .
11 Ours is a national society .
12 Ours is a ‘ 56 , with the yellow-stamped number 6 8083 on the rear of the headstock .
13 ‘ When Madonna masturbates on stage , she does it as though it 's a serious business — ours is a silly , flirtatious sex .
14 You can see that ours is a bit of a mad house .
15 Ours is a crisis not only of Western culture and technology , but of all other cultures .
16 Ours is a brand-new world of allatonceness .
17 While it would be foolish to suggest that a comparable problem does not exist at all in Britain , it is important to recognize that ours is a more simple system in which individual agencies have more clearly defined powers and more definite boundaries to their responsibilities and sphere of influence .
18 Ours is a much older organisation , but we have always been handicapped in two essential points , namely , ( 1 ) the goodwill and help of people of influence , and ( 2 ) want of funds .
19 Ours is a different system .
20 Ours is a spiritual relationship , ’ she said .
21 In this context , then , approaches to education must begin from the notion , articulated by André Gorz and others , that ours is a post-industrial society where paid work on a full-time basis is no longer to be seen as the norm , and where ‘ education for life ’ rather than ‘ training for jobs ’ should be the objective .
22 Er ours is a slightly more difficult task , I would suggest a much more difficult task , in that we 're trying to go for one certificate for the whole of the group .
23 ‘ We are fortunate that ours is a man of genuine , first-rate scholarship . ’
24 Our cave on the upper slopes of the Aletschhorn suits her well , but ours is a fugitive life , as I explain to her .
25 Ours is a democratic country , in which democratic accountability lies at the heart of the relationship between the citizen and the state .
26 Ours is a compact operation ’ , says Norman Eggleton , who was Operations Manager at Stanford-le-Hope before moving to King 's Lynn in 1978 .
27 Ours is a voice which can not be ignored , but if we are to use our influence to full effect we must both recognise and be capable of using our strengths .
28 Ours is a finance salary scheme .
29 Ours is a modern plant .
30 Well ours is a proper pukka job , David as you expect
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