Example sentences of "withdrawn from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was only recently that a police presence had been withdrawn from No. 22 after the Pitt deaths .
2 If she is withdrawn from school for two years to help produce a new language course eighty children will lose out .
3 Due to increased public fears that BSE might be transmittable to humans , exacerbated by the deaths of three cats in May-June from a disease resembling BSE , British beef was in May withdrawn from school menus in numerous local authority areas in the UK , and on June 11 the ( UK ) National Farmers ' Union announced a voluntary code of practice to combat the spread of BSE , including a complete ban on all animal feeds containing " specified " beef offal .
4 If it did not , it could always argue that many more children would be withdrawn from school altogether .
5 Therefore , because it is unlikely that there will ever be revised editions , and because I should just hate to see my name on anything that could not be relied on , the probability is that the books will progressively be withdrawn from publication after a currency of a few years . ’
6 To give it a chance of success , some French troops had to be withdrawn from south of the Somme and their lines taken over by Haig 's men , disrupting his own long-planned attack in Flanders .
7 Mrs Amin , now living at Gilmore Place , Edinburgh , is seeking decree for the return of £36,593.33 withdrawn from building society accounts .
8 They broke down so often and so grievously that they were all withdrawn from service within three years .
9 As a result the aircraft proved a failure and following a spectacular crash at the Paris air show in 1964 was withdrawn from service altogether .
10 And it refers to Britain 's own advanced passenger train as carrying ‘ its first fare-paying passengers in a record-breaking run from London to Glasgow before being withdrawn from service for further trials ’ .
11 At present , the Australian stations are served by three ageing chartered supply vessels — one of which is to be withdrawn from service in 1987/88 .
12 All cars of this batch were withdrawn from service with the reorganization of services in the summer of 1927 .
13 It was withdrawn from service and probably scrapped .
14 The Motive Power depot at Derby Road had been disused since 1966 when the last steam locomotives were withdrawn from service .
15 It was announced on Jan. 18 , 1990 , that the Iowa , together with its sister ship the New Jersey , was to be withdrawn from service after repairs had been completed [ see also p. 37178 ] .
16 Around 100 submarines withdrawn from service are moored at sea because there are no facilities for treating their radioactive components .
17 If we do not use these medications properly then it can only be a matter of time before they are withdrawn from availability and we lose a precious treatment for our fish .
18 These are in effect posts withdrawn from primary and secondary schools where difficulties with troublesome pupils persist despite the removal of the ‘ worst ’ cases .
19 In military terms the imperial era came to an end when the last British troops were withdrawn from East of Suez in 1972 , but politically it had ended sixteen years earlier at Suez .
20 An individual who is passive , utterly apathetic and withdrawn from community life is no true citizen .
21 In this statement to the House of Commons Hurd stated that ‘ in the public interest ’ funding should be withdrawn from community organisations who might ‘ directly or indirectly improve the standing or further the aims of a paramilitary organisation ’ .
22 Public funding is being withdrawn from research and development which is of direct benefit to growers — like the evaluation of different varieties in the National Fruit Trials at Brogdale — but the Government will still be paying for a substantial amount of horticultural research at a number of centres spread across the country .
25 The Second Line maintenance of 192 Washingtons , which included Major and Minor Servicings , was carried out by Marham ASF but when the Washington was withdrawn from Bomber Command service , this responsibility was transferred to Watton .
26 An obvious example is that old editions are normally withdrawn from library shelves as new editions are added to stock .
27 They recommended that grants for land improvement and drainage should be withdrawn from Section 43 areas and that all capital grant schemes in the LFA should be modified to encourage a wide range of conservation measures .
28 Since the mid-nineteenth century , minors under sixteen had been progressively withdrawn from adult forms of trial and punishment .
29 The results of these factors have been that several of the new ‘ one-stop shop ’ security houses have withdrawn from market making .
30 For example , facilities like swimming pools , water sports , chair lifts etc. require maintenance and sometimes have to be temporarily withdrawn from use for such work to be done .
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