Example sentences of "withdrawn [coord] a " in BNC.

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1 Three foreign entrants have already withdrawn and a meeting tomorrow of the British Wheelchair Racing Association could call for a boycott by all British competitors .
2 The last sentence was the cue for Miss Horsbrugh to announce to the House of Commons in April that the 10% Cut would be withdrawn and a Committee of Enquiry into adult education established instead .
3 It was clear from the beginning that the government was going to remain firm on the question of tenure , but a concerted campaign secured two concessions : the clause relating to the dismissal of senior staff was withdrawn and a statement guaranteeing academic freedom was written into the Bill .
4 I do not think that Boots ' sponsorship helped the RNA , because it served to shut out the rest of the trade , but now that Boots has withdrawn and a new sponsor is being sought there is an opportunity to boost the award .
5 If an admissible statement is identified , the legal adviser may then be required to conduct a more rigorous examination of the subsequent parliamentary proceedings to establish whether the statement has been repeated , varied or withdrawn and a — somewhat less onerous task whether there has been a relevant subsequent amendment to the provision .
6 By the end of February all basic services had broken down or had been withdrawn and a mass evacuation of non-Bougainvilleans ( both foreigners and Papua New Guineans from other provinces ) was under way .
7 The needle was withdrawn and a guide wire passed into the biliary tree .
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