Example sentences of "composed of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ANWIC 's steering committee is composed of women who have been active in the WACC women 's programme and the Asia Region workshops covering some 13 countries .
2 It grew out of the first demonstrations , towards the end of October 1989 , and was composed of women and men who were outraged at the filth and the toxins in the air , water and soil .
3 It is composed of women and men representing old and new political parties , movements and mass organizations .
4 The surface layers of basalt flows are commonly glassy ; but deeper within , the amount of glass gets less , and more crystals appear , until the whole mass is composed of crystals .
5 The least defined regions are residues 1–4 at the N terminus of CyP and the loop composed of CyP residues 41–45 .
6 Acid lavas , such as those composed of rhyolite , which are derived from magma with a high silica content , are the most viscous and are generally erupted at the lowest temperatures ( Fig. 5.5 ) .
7 In one of the morning 's brief , structured lessons the pupils were told to draw a still life composed of cups , a tea pot and a coffee pot .
8 More importantly , they are locked into their own epistemic community , composed of others who are working in the same subject areas .
9 It is composed of Law Lords , and others who hold or have held judicial office in the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth .
10 It is composed of species adapted to the urban environment and is influenced strongly by the availability of seeds .
11 Their fossils often occur gregariously as they lived , forming beds largely composed of fossil shells .
12 Jurassic reef coral , Stylina alveolata This massive coral is now composed of calcite It has been recrystallized , because in life it was composed of the mineral aragonite — chemically the same as calcite , but with a different crystal structure .
13 The belemnite guards themselves are composed of calcite There are very many belemnite species in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks , sometimes occurring in vast numbers .
14 Teeth and bones are largely composed of calcium and it is essential that enough of this mineral is present in the diet for them to remain strong .
15 Brachiopods fall into two major classes ; the more primitive have shells composed of calcium phosphate plus organic material and hinge development is imperfect — hence their name , inarticulate brachiopods .
16 The other class , the hinged brachiopods ( Articulata ) have shells composed of calcium carbonate , and they comprised more varied and abundant group as fossils .
17 These tongue-shaped brachiopods are composed of calcium phosphate , with a shiny lustre , contrasting with the clay matrix .
18 The valves are composed of calcium carbonate , are quite strong in most species , and hence easily fossilized .
19 Dykes are vertically discordant intrusions often composed of dolerite and they frequently exist in swarms .
20 The agreement ( i ) conferred land rights on ethnic Indians living in the eastern Amazonian department of Beni , covering the Isiboro Sécure el Iviato National Park and 170,000 hectares of the central forest of Chimanes ; ( ii ) established that a multiparty commission would be set up , composed of government and indigenous Indian representatives and others from " respectable institutions " , to draft a new Law for Indigenous Indians of the East and Amazonia ; ( iii ) established that timber merchants in the central Chimanes forest had to end their operations by Oct. 31 , 1990 , when contracts to cut timber would not be renewed ; and ( iv ) made provision for a further multiparty commission to be set up to police the agreement .
21 This gives rise to the typical ‘ policy style ’ of consultation and negotiation between different state agencies ; each is at the centre of a ‘ policy community ’ composed of government officials , professional advisors and representatives of outside pressure groups ( Jordan and Richardson 1981 ; 1987 ) .
22 Ward and his coworkers ( Capaccio , Gibson & Ward , in Ciferri & Ward ( 1979 ) ) , considered ultra-drawn polyethylene as composed of stacks of crystallites bridged by crystalline material or , equivalently , as a continuous crystal with periodic regions of disorder .
23 A third , composed of ex-members of the ILP , favoured an international general strike to prevent conflict and the need for working-class institutions to offer a revolutionary socialist programme .
24 Her remarkable landscapes composed of feathers won a medal from the Society for Encouragement of the Arts and Commerce .
25 … we attended at the School on Monday the 17th [ July , 1833 ] and found that it was divided into six classes , the first being composed of three boys only whose study was the Classics , the second of about 20 who were instructed in the Latin Grammar , and the remaining four classes were composed of boys whose education was confined to Reading , Writing , Arithmetic , and English Grammar , in which instruction the boys in the two senior classes also participated . "
26 We hope that it has not escaped the reader that the predictions concerning the different effects of word and feature masks do not depend on the mask being a word ; they depend only on the mask being composed of letters .
27 A salad certainly does n't have to be made of lettuce ; but it should be mainly composed of vegetables or greens dressed with a complimentary sauce .
28 The bulk of this stratovolcano is composed of phonolites , but the mapping has demonstrated that almost half of Mount Kenya 's slopes are the product of major epiclastic reworking , mainly by debris flows .
29 Simultaneously , Task Force Semper Fidelis , composed of US marines and military police , seized the main road across the canal , the Bridge of the Americas , and secured the approaches to Howard Air Force Base , which was always under US military control .
30 Crowds were composed of groups of family , friends , or work-mates tending to go to the same part of the ground and recognizing those around them .
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