Example sentences of "to perform the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Trust says the fear of possible litigation after complicated births may encourage some doctors to perform the operations .
2 When by 1292 John of York had become too old and infirm to perform the duties of his Forest office , Edward I granted him a pension of ‘ three pence daily out of the issues of the forest , at the hands of the Justice of the Forest north of Trent , and six cartloads of firewood in the said forest by view and delivery of the foresters there ’ .
3 Daniel son of Nicholas of Newcastle , husband of one of the co-heiresses , was appointed by them to perform the duties of Forest warden until he was succeeded in 1226 by Thomas of Stratton , husband of another co-heiress .
4 The archdeacon in the king 's presence appointed his brother Richard to perform the duties of his Forest office in his place , and agreed to be responsible for him .
5 By the thirteenth century these officers were elected in the county court from among the knights who resided in the neighbourhood of the forest and held land within it ; they took an oath in the county court or in the attachment court faithfully to perform the duties of their office .
6 As a functioning mechanism a society must somehow distribute its members in social positions and induce them to perform the duties of these positions .
7 [ Four categories are then specified including certain convictions , incapacity rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office and conduct of an immoral , scandalous or disgraceful nature rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office . ]
8 [ Four categories are then specified including certain convictions , incapacity rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office and conduct of an immoral , scandalous or disgraceful nature rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office . ]
9 Can he tell us of one chief officer of police in Britain who believes that he has sufficient police officers to perform the duties imposed upon him ?
10 The difficulty in transferring contracts arises because the basic rule is that the vendor can not be excused from the burden of its contractual obligations by assigning or otherwise purporting to transfer to the purchaser the obligation to perform the duties it has undertaken under a particular contract .
11 The assessment by the police is to eliminate erm any officer that er has psychopathic tendencies or er on the other side of the coin , to eliminate those officers that erm might be so timid that they would n't be able to perform the duties should it be necessary for them to fire a weapon .
12 Other priestesses appear , and some priests as well , to perform the rites of healing …
13 When Antiochus became king certain lawless Jews obtained permission to perform the rites of the heathen in Jerusalem : they forsook circumcision and built gymnasia .
14 The modern performers ' impulse to ‘ orchestrate ’ medieval and Renaissance music is also revealed in the various instrumentations used to perform the lines of medieval secular chansons .
15 When a hospital patient is unable to perform the activities of daily life for him- or herself , staff are on hand to help ; such staff are called ‘ nurses ’ , though in reality ward staff do little that requires a skilled qualified nursing background .
16 And it is also the mechanisms by which the cells or parts of them are able to perform the instructions .
17 Small computers are now routinely used to perform the tasks for which photographers are employed , whilst the advent of still video is making increasing inroads into the working lives of photojournalists .
18 In the home she may ask the carer to perform the tasks of the assistant therapist .
19 In a class buzzing with activity a child with severely defective vision can get left behind or left out because he can not see clearly how to perform the tasks involved .
20 The majority of elderly people are also , as already mentioned , female and continue long past retiring age to perform the tasks almost universal among women at all ages : domestic and other unpaid services for themselves and others , some older , some younger , some the same age as themselves .
21 However , Operation Granby proved that it is possible to go out onto the charter market for ships and find ships from many different nations to perform the tasks that we wanted of them .
22 They show very clearly that the Government are ensuring that , while we may reduce the personnel numbers in our armed forces , we are increasing the relative proportion of funds spent on their equipment to ensure that in the future they have the equipment that they need to perform the tasks that we set them .
23 … One of the topics came up in the following week 's Science lesson … the girls took great delight in showing the boys how to perform the tasks ! … the improvement in their confidence was most marked . ’
24 The ‘ User 's Guide to LIFESPAN ’ explains how to perform the tasks supported by LIFESPAN , using combinations of the options described here .
25 For the novice user , it introduces the LIFESPAN components and how these can be manipulated to perform the tasks which LIFESPAN offers .
26 The ‘ Reference Guide to LIFESPAN ’ gives a detailed explanation of the options available to perform the tasks supported by LIFESPAN together with a description of the required inputs and the generated outputs .
27 At this juncture , it is important to note that whilst there are interesting positions on offer in all fields at all levels , terms and conditions for non-executive jobs tend to be based on market rates relative to the country of origin for those nationalities usually recruited to perform the tasks in question .
28 Greenpeace and others also point out that the HMIP has only a small team of monitors and will not be able to perform the tasks of the NRA in this sphere .
29 The main role of protein , however , is to perform the functions of each individual cell .
30 1.8 " Architect " means ( name ) of ( address ) or such other person as the Landlord may from time to time appoint to perform the functions of the architect under the Building Contract and notify to the Tenant as having been so appointed It may be that the landlord will entrust supervisory functions to a surveyor or some other suitably qualified person .
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