Example sentences of "to perform the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before his death the Prince knighted John Higgs , and went specially to St Thomas 's Hospital to perform the investiture at his bedside .
2 The operators manipulate the relations using a series of steps to perform the user 's requirements .
3 The Trust says the fear of possible litigation after complicated births may encourage some doctors to perform the operations .
4 When by 1292 John of York had become too old and infirm to perform the duties of his Forest office , Edward I granted him a pension of ‘ three pence daily out of the issues of the forest , at the hands of the Justice of the Forest north of Trent , and six cartloads of firewood in the said forest by view and delivery of the foresters there ’ .
5 Daniel son of Nicholas of Newcastle , husband of one of the co-heiresses , was appointed by them to perform the duties of Forest warden until he was succeeded in 1226 by Thomas of Stratton , husband of another co-heiress .
6 The archdeacon in the king 's presence appointed his brother Richard to perform the duties of his Forest office in his place , and agreed to be responsible for him .
7 By the thirteenth century these officers were elected in the county court from among the knights who resided in the neighbourhood of the forest and held land within it ; they took an oath in the county court or in the attachment court faithfully to perform the duties of their office .
8 As a functioning mechanism a society must somehow distribute its members in social positions and induce them to perform the duties of these positions .
9 [ Four categories are then specified including certain convictions , incapacity rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office and conduct of an immoral , scandalous or disgraceful nature rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office . ]
10 [ Four categories are then specified including certain convictions , incapacity rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office and conduct of an immoral , scandalous or disgraceful nature rendering unfit to perform the duties of the office . ]
11 Can he tell us of one chief officer of police in Britain who believes that he has sufficient police officers to perform the duties imposed upon him ?
12 The difficulty in transferring contracts arises because the basic rule is that the vendor can not be excused from the burden of its contractual obligations by assigning or otherwise purporting to transfer to the purchaser the obligation to perform the duties it has undertaken under a particular contract .
13 The assessment by the police is to eliminate erm any officer that er has psychopathic tendencies or er on the other side of the coin , to eliminate those officers that erm might be so timid that they would n't be able to perform the duties should it be necessary for them to fire a weapon .
14 However , this ad hoc procedure has not been without its critics , largely because of doubts about whether it is possible to perform the exercise with sufficient precision to arrive at a clear-cut evaluation .
15 Other priestesses appear , and some priests as well , to perform the rites of healing …
16 When Antiochus became king certain lawless Jews obtained permission to perform the rites of the heathen in Jerusalem : they forsook circumcision and built gymnasia .
17 No great manual dexterity is required to perform the technique , in that all these reactions go on by simply automatically heating and cooling without ever opening the reaction tube .
18 Why functions in almost opposite fashion to how , however , in that whereas the most common use with the latter involves taking for granted the existence of the means ( how to ) , the former is used with the infinitive exclusively in cases where the speaker is questioning the existence of any good reason to perform the event denoted by the infinitive : ( 46 ) Why bother to reply ?
19 In any case , all of these uses evoke the speaker 's view of the possibility of someone being so audacious as to perform the event denoted by the infinitive , and all imply a negative prejudice against such a thing being possible .
20 For all of these reasons , and unlike the earlier biblical period , only men were allowed to perform the operation ( see Kidd .
21 What you witnessed that night was Melanie trying to persuade me to perform the operation for her — or , failing that , to get someone else to do it as a favour . ’
22 The modern performers ' impulse to ‘ orchestrate ’ medieval and Renaissance music is also revealed in the various instrumentations used to perform the lines of medieval secular chansons .
23 To perform the abstraction one needs well defined concepts ( for example , what exactly is meant by ‘ a democracy ’ ? ) and criteria for applying them ( for example , is Indonesia one ? ) .
24 Do you generally rely upon girls to perform the helping activities in the classroom ( for example , passing out supplies , collecting work , etc . ) ?
25 What can be said for them is that if the High Priest is acting in the fullest awareness at present attainable by his people , it is right for him to perform the sacrifice , just as it would be right for a Western onlooker to try to dissuade him ; he is not like a Nazi who has voluntarily shut himself off from the knowledge of biology and history and the personal sensitivity attained by the culture of the Weimar Republic .
26 Once a specific PCR has been developed for an organism , it requires little expertise to perform the test .
27 Such a calculation procedure could be embedded into any CAD system to perform the calculation of concentration values , employing any three nominated entities .
28 Sixty years ago C. J. Herrick , the American comparative anatomist , dubbed it the ‘ organ of civilisation ’ , and I have set myself the task of seeing how far our scientific knowledge of nerve cells might earn the neocortex this grandiose title : Would these nerve cells , as actors , be able to perform the play , ‘ Civilisation ’ ?
29 Contracts for the loan of money and supply of goods to infants and ‘ accounts stated ’ with infants were made altogether void , while the possibility of ratification was taken away from all those contracts which required ratification to make them binding upon him after attaining full age ; and even a new promise to perform the contract , whether made upon a fresh consideration or not , could not be enforced by action .
30 The Carrier shall be relieved of its obligation to perform the contract to the extent that the performance thereof is prevented by failure of the Trader , fire , weather conditions , industrial dispute , labour disturbance or cause beyond the reasonable control of the Carrier .
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