Example sentences of "existed at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Because the rain blew in gusts , the doors were usually closed and the glass clouded and wept , and the world closed in and nothing existed at all except a diseased crew , buffeted and windswept , butting their way through the void .
2 Whoever she was — if she existed at all — she went with us through the mild , cleaned-up sordor of Soho side streets .
3 I suppose the main reason was that I was so astonished to find that they existed at all .
4 Public-sector land owners were often under an obligation to obtain the best price possible , which was unlikely to happen in times of such severely-restrained demand and when an urban-land market hardly existed at all .
5 On purgatory and prayers for the dead , the Articles were also ambivalent , since they admitted that : ‘ it is a very good and a charitable deed to pray for souls departed ’ , but made no claim that such prayers were efficacious and even questioned whether purgatory existed at all .
6 While other constitutional texts , where they existed at all , have for long periods been purely notional , national autonomy never ceased to have a certain operation reality .
7 In as far as they existed at all , relations with these countries were conducted as between tributaries of the Chinese empire .
8 Winding up for the Government when the new clause was debated in the House of Commons on 14 April 1948 , Ede faithfully followed the Cabinet 's line , expounding the case for retention on the grounds that public opinion was not conducive to any change , adding as a supporting argument that the unarmed police had to contend with a ‘ class of gangster and armed criminal which hardly existed at all before the war ’ .
9 For the opportunity , if it existed at all , to make such a change would have occurred only in the context of a much more broadly based revolutionary movement .
10 On a further appeal to the Privy Council the Board held that , if jurisdiction existed at all , it must have been under a section of the relevant Bahamas legislation ( section 23 of the Court of Appeal Act ( Statute Law of the Bahama Islands , 1965 rev. , c. 34 ) ) which provided :
11 It could be like the mysterious caller on the telephone to Mr Wallace requesting the visit to Qualtrough Avenue : you just did not know if it existed at all .
12 Genuine republican feeling , in so far as it existed at all in the major States , was a nostalgia or very occasionally an aspiration , never a programme .
13 Ben spent so much time playing computer games , barely pausing to eat , that lately I 'd sometimes wondered if he knew I existed at all .
14 First , there is the consideration that we are dealing with a phase of human ego-evolution in which language probably barely existed at all and in which a sophisticated awareness of inner conflicts — what today we would call insight — could barely have existed either ( indeed , as we shall see later on , it is doubtful to what extent it exists even today ! ) .
15 1.2 Extension of the principles In recent years there has been an extension of the principles behind the restraint of trade doctrine so as to embrace : ( a ) restraints in contracts which do not fit neatly into what was hitherto regarded as amounting to a restraint of trade ; ( b ) situations where the contract in question was not between the plaintiff and defendant and to which the plaintiff was not privy although he was affected by the working of the contract ; and ( c ) situations when no contract existed at all but the plaintiff could claim that a set of rules or certain conduct affected him prejudicially .
16 In other words , the fact that the speculative bubble' existed at all suggests possible short-term inefficiency , but the ‘ correction ’ could suggest that markets are , in the long term , efficient .
17 There existed at that time , a real threat of an invasion of the British Isles by the French forces under Napoleon , so militia groups were formed and Martello Towers were erected around the more vulnerable coast line , to ward off and give warning of any sign of an invading fleet .
18 Shell sand , blown into the area between Caniçal and the end of the island in recent geological times , contains fossil shells and root- and branch-shaped concretions of the vegetation which existed at that time .
19 No such guide existed at that time ; but summarisation of legal matters in any comprehensive yet comprehensible form is a difficult and risky business , so that the task was not one which the writer regarded with relish .
20 It is true that elephants existed at that time in the extreme south of China , but the fact that Fu Hao 's cup was studded with turquoise points to India as a possible source .
21 The 1334 tax assessments and the 1377 poll-tax returns show which communities existed at those dates ( the latter also showing how few had disappeared between them ) , and make it clear that a high proportion of those which eventually disappeared were markedly below the average size ( 58 , pp.162–3 , 207 ) .
22 One of the reasons for believing that cross-species extrapolation is possible at all is that all living animals have evolved from common ancestors that existed at some time in the distant past .
23 The mammals also existed at this time , starting a little later in the mid-Triassic , but in very insignificant numbers and they were tiny until after the death of the dinosaurs , after which they had more fully evolved from the pelycosaurs and therapsids .
24 Meanwhile , we may go back to the situation in 1072 , and begin with some words of Lanfranc which provide the main evidence for the documents which existed at this date .
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