Example sentences of "resulted from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Whether such substantial damage resulted from surgery or the disease itself is not known : what is certain is that a very restrictive policy regarding the insertion of grommets is necessary .
2 Asked about reports of detainees killed [ see p. 38425 ] he said that they were exaggerated although " there were incidents of neglect that resulted from lack of self-control in some units " and senior officers , including some members of the CMSN had been disciplined .
3 In Scotland the increase in vehicle kilometres has followed a pattern very similar to that which resulted from deregulation in England .
4 Within industry a unique area resulted from nationalisation .
5 The fourteen miles of new mainline railway on the East Coast main line , bypassing Selby at a cost of £60 million , resulted from threat of coalmining subsidence under the old formation .
6 Her second book , Life by the Sea Shore ( 1901 ) , which resulted from work at the Marine Biological Station , Millport , remained a classic for many years .
7 Still other cases resulted from trespass .
8 He had survived for only three days at Craigtoun Maternity Hospital , St Andrews , and the parents maintained that his death resulted from damage done by forceps before the birth .
9 The report , whose conclusions were due to be made public after the expiry of 21 days within which interested parties were required to submit their comments , was expected to confirm that the crash resulted from pilot error involving the inadvertent shutting down of the wrong engine .
10 It resulted from government initiatives which centralised the process of wage-fixing to keep down labour costs and promote savings in an attempt to accelerate the modernisation of industry and foster economic growth .
11 Great attention was paid to the pollution which resulted from contact with them during these periods , with vital purification rituals being prescribed to avert the danger to both individuals and community ( in particular , the male religious community , see below ) and restrictions imposed on their movement , particularly with regard access to the cult , during their times of uncleanness .
12 No significant loss of cell viability resulted from pretreatment as judged by trypan blue exclusion tests .
13 It is not known from that study , however , whether the reduction in intraduodenal bilirubin output resulted from hyperglycaemia induced alterations in gastric emptying of the meal , alterations in endogenous CCK secretion , or alterations in the responsiveness of the gall bladder to CCK .
14 She illustrates the exuberant flowering which resulted from exposure to painters such as Gustav Klimt , whose richly patterned paintings were so influential in the mosaic-based designs of Teodor Wolf-Ferrari .
15 This made it an offence for anyone to conduct insurance business in the UK without authorisation and resulted from concern following the collapse of several ( mainly general insurance ) companies in the 1970s .
16 The division resulted from user demand for open products .
17 In the short term the crises resulted from state governors ( of both political parties ) becoming involved in wrangles with their state legislatures after recommending deficit reduction measures such as increased taxes and reductions in entitlement programmes to which the elected legislators were not keen to agree .
18 Of the 99 Aboriginal deaths under review , 30 resulted from hanging , 11 from head injuries , two from gun-shot wounds , 19 from natural causes and only five from alcohol abuse .
19 The demonstration , made in Canada , that diabetes resulted from malfunction of the pancreas was made as a result of experiments on dogs and led to the award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923 .
20 A number of reports claimed that the postponement resulted from pressure by Congress ( I ) leaders who feared that the budget would be sufficiently unpopular seriously to diminish support for the party .
21 To a degree some of the rise in prices resulted from market makers scrambling to acquire shares to meet investor demands but the Conservative victory has restored confidence in the City , something which has definitely been missing over the last few weeks .
22 The reduction in energy intensity resulted from energy efficiency improvements ( performing the same task using less energy ) , energy conservation measures ( making do with less energy ) and shifts in the mix of goods and services produced to favour those which require less energy input .
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