Example sentences of "draw on the " in BNC.

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1 The few Catholic schools in the area frequently draw on the services offered by Easton 's Community Relations Branch , as do most of the Protestant secondary schools .
2 A theoretical perspective which is of considerable value is put forward by Gorry and Scott Morton ( 1975 ) , who draw on the work of Anthony ( 1965 ) in the area of managerial activity and Simon 's ( 1966 ) analysis of decisions , to develop a sophisticated framework for management information systems .
3 Draw on the canvas then and fill in the outlines with colour , ’ Max replied .
4 Some courses draw on the students ' own experience , usually in the workplace .
5 To make the return more palatable what is needed is symbolic reassurance that changes draw on the life blood that epitomises the regenerative power of the city .
6 Draw on the panels in red and black to make the appearance realistic .
7 Lay a piece of paper over the artwork and draw on the actual positions of the components , showing the locations of all pinouts and terminals clearly .
8 The books draw on the experience of practising teachers , teacher trainers and researchers and seek to provide practical guidelines on ways in which specific areas of the curriculum can be made more accessible to all children .
9 The books draw on the experiences of Christians in Guatemala , whose faith has strengthened and supported them through the hardships and challenges of recent years .
10 A variety of exercises that draw on the student 's own experience and creative imagination .
11 They also draw on the qualitative , communal , agentic approaches of humanist psychology , and redefine them as feminine .
12 Eichenbaum and Orbach ( 1982 ) draw on the case-history tradition in psychotherapy , and on woman-centred feminism 's interest in individual accounts .
13 Both these proposals draw on the experience of America 's Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) .
14 The draft Articles draw on the earlier Hague Conventions and on the bilateral Conventions negotiated by the United Kingdom , but also incorporate provisions reflecting , somewhat naively , United States perceptions .
15 Explanations with physical content draw on the laws of physical causality .
16 Another area is that of foregrounding , where we draw on the terminology of traditional poetics ( " metaphor " , " metonymy " , onomatopoeia " , etc ) .
17 The case for re-thinking what we mean by practice and its relation with theory has been made at an abstract level by writers who draw on the two very different philosophical traditions which contest the dichotomy , Marxism with its concept of praxis , and the American pragmatists who direct our attention to the consequences of our actions .
18 Westley and Mintzberg draw on the metaphor of the theatre to inform an account of the styles adopted by well known visionary leaders .
19 The illustrations draw on the imagery of contemporary popular culture and the titles refer to current popular fictions , popular song for example , as in the 1940s reference to the Andrews Sisters ' song ‘ I 'll be With You ’ .
20 While pilot work is an important means of obtaining the information required for such an analysis , traditional ‘ guess and check ’ methods ( see 1.2.1 ) which draw on the skill and intuition of the analyst are also important .
21 Because of the priority given to these ‘ fixed costs ’ , mothers typically draw on the household income when it is at its most depleted .
22 However , not all applications draw on the COMMDLG.DLL for their file open/save dialogue box and therefore these options will not always be provided .
23 All our ethical discussions draw on the Sermon on the Mount and other passages in the New Testament .
24 Let her cast aside her copy book , [ and ] draw on the memories that must be crowding her mind … 20
25 And I draw on the same manual of environmental appraisal that erm Mr has mentioned in in his evidence , the Department of Transport 's manual .
26 He smiled , taking a last draw on the cigarette before tossing it over the rail .
27 There will be a free prize draw on the day with the chance to win a TSB sports bag and other goodies .
28 His wife , Bessie , also a retired teacher , says both he and Jane draw on the area for inspiration in their work .
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