Example sentences of "interpreted as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , a display of due respect which denies the possibility of being interpreted as deference may be necessary when dealing with senior officials in a large and powerful organization .
2 Moreover , criticism of pupils ' spoken language will be interpreted as criticism of their families and friends ;
3 He wore Biocontrol armbands , which monitored his movements , and these were then translated by the system for output by the various keyboards — interpreted as music .
4 However , failure to limit fertility should not necessarily be interpreted as fatalism .
5 His decision to send her away from her home and brother into an alien world was interpreted as rejection .
6 Many conflicts can indeed be plausibly interpreted as dimensions of a fundamental class struggle : disputes over wages , housing , unemployment , and social security , are closely connected with people 's class .
7 The concept of a forum converted into thermae depended on the presence of floor levels associated with the former , but those identified as such are very thin mortar lines which are far from level , and they can be more reliably interpreted as layers marking stages in the construction .
8 It would , moreover , be inappropriate for the judiciary to be associated with any series of talks or anything which could be fairly interpreted as entertainment
9 This fine-grained limestone is only developed over a very small area , usually thought of as a lagoonal deposit behind sponge reefs , though recently interpreted as deposits in offshore sediment traps .
10 The payoffs are interpreted as changes in fitness arising from the contest .
11 In both models , the conodonts could be interpreted as teeth For grasping prey — in fact certain conodonts are very similar to the grasping spines of living chaetognaths .
12 Fourth , discounts for ‘ full line ’ ordering and commodity bundling are best interpreted as forms of price discrimination .
13 Kant , as we saw , held that the unity of the phenomenal world can be accounted for only if space and time are interpreted as forms of our intuition , not as properties of things in themselves , but that for this very reason we must accept that there is an extra-phenomenal as well as a phenomenal side to reality , with things in themselves being inaccessible to cognition .
14 Such fluctuations in the unemployment rate as were observed in practice came to be interpreted as fluctuations in the natural rate itself , not as deviations , temporary or otherwise , from the natural rate .
15 The coral does n't seem to gain anything from the relationship ; the gobies can sometimes be seen pulling mucus off the coral , but this could be interpreted as parasitism rather than symbiosis .
16 The West Wing contained chambers which Sinclair Hood ( 1971 , p. 66 ) interprets as state apartments , although they might better be interpreted as sanctuaries ; the chambers behind are admitted , by their excavator , Nicolas Platon ( 1971 , p. 257 ) , to be ritual in nature .
17 The East Wings of both Knossos and Zakro make better sense interpreted as sanctuaries ( see Castleden 1989 , pp. 48–51 , 90–2 ) .
18 Excessive violence can conveniently be interpreted as paranoia , which makes drugging an acceptable way of handling the behaviour without having to examine anything in the prison system which is causing that behaviour .
19 In my computer 's ROM , location numbers 64489 , 64490 and 64491 , taken together , contain a particular pattern of contents — 1s and 0s which — when interpreted as instructions , result in the computer 's little loudspeaker uttering a blip sound .
20 Whatever the relationship between state and society , policies may be interpreted as responses to perceived social needs .
21 That is being interpreted as proof of the Treasury 's intention to play the environmental card to milk the motorist and road user in the immediate future .
22 A chest x ray picture showed features interpreted as consolidation of the left lower lobe with a left sided pleural effusion ( figure ) .
23 There are cases , as we have seen , in which dispositions which lack the standard forms of wording are interpreted as trusts ; the construal of a trust depends therefore not on form but intention .
24 What little evidence there is suggests that these dispositions were interpreted as trusts .
25 The argument advanced by the anthropologist Clifford Geertz that human societies needed to be interpreted as texts has been especially influential on New Historicist thought .
26 Cultural acts and rituals could be interpreted as texts which reveal the sense of a society 's ordering and structuring of experience .
27 Taxation Tin the circular flow has been interpreted as income taxation and is the difference between gross and disposable income .
28 Girls ' subject choices , their lack of competition with boys , their restricted career choices , etc. can be interpreted as self chosen , rational ( even if misguided ) responses to the position of women in society .
29 These indicators were interpreted as conditions which , if fulfilled , suggested a relatively dense and multiplex personal network .
30 As noted above , stipulations in commercial contracts which fix time limits for action by the parties are normally interpreted as conditions , so that a failure to perform on time entitles the other party to terminate the contract .
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