Example sentences of "shares the same " in BNC.

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1 It shares the same spec with its six-cylinder cousins , including electric windows , power steering , central locking and electric door mirrors .
2 The PHG 600 CE shares the same body as the other guns in the range , the main difference being the addition of a rotating temperature controller on the back of the body .
3 The 109 V8 shares the same low range stepdown ratios as all four speed Range Rovers , 110 V8 and 101 forward controls .
4 Yes it is compatible with the 2.6 engine ( it shares the same cylinder block ) and yes your head will fit .
5 It shares the same high optical performance as the standard zoom .
6 It is similar in type to the Simmental , though more elegantly built and the coat colour bright red rather than yellowish tan , and it shares the same origins in the old Bernese brought in by Mennonites during the eighteenth century ( see Alpine section ) .
7 According to The Guardian ( 24 October ) , the Lancia Thema shares the same floorpan as ‘ the Saab 2000 , the Fiat 164 and Fiat Chroma ’ .
8 As this Third Concerto was drafted on similar manuscript paper as the others ( and shares the same key as No. 1 ) , and portions ended up in two countries , the substantial music for it was thought to be discarded ideas for the Firsts , although all the thematic material used in it is found in music composed or published around his fifteenth year .
9 EQ'ing helps , but I found that over-correction would affect the lead channel , which shares the same tone circuitry , so I had to accept a compromise for my crunch sound .
10 When he discovered Blur were on the same label as Jesus Jones — with whom he shares the same management — Stephen ‘ put a word through ’ expressing his admiration .
11 Almost every trainer with a string of 20 horses shares the same ultimate ambition — to win the Cheltenham Gold Cup .
12 Fact : Brett Anderson shares the same birthday as the Bros twins .
13 The 20V8 shares the same architecture but has more input pins .
14 Richard 's accomplice in all this is Buckingham , who shares the same two-faced split between open good and concealed evil .
15 paradoxically therefore , Althusser argues , humanist Marxism shares the same basic theoretical principles with the orthodox economist Marxism of the Second International which politically it was its aim to oppose : for whether passive or active , fatalist or voluntarist , both reduce Marxist analysis to a single theoretical problematic .
16 The singer shares the same acoustic environment and is placed on the same arc as the strings to produce a completely natural effect overall .
17 The Profitboss shares the same goal as a union representative to serve the best interests of his people in serving the company .
18 Unlike her workshop counterparts , the nomadic weaver shares the same ancestral heritage as her designs , and is consequently a part of the traditions that pervade everything she weaves .
19 Not only does it draw from what Pollitt ( 1986a , p. 159 ) describes as the ‘ belief-system of the incoming Conservative government of 1979 ’ — the crusade against bureaucratic waste , belief in the superiority of private sector managerial techniques and drive towards increased value for money — but it shares the same ideological roots as privatization and contracting out .
20 First , Toronto shares the same latitude as Nice , and summertime temperatures are around 80°F in June , July and August .
21 Toronto shares the same latitude as Nice in the South of France so Ontario summers guarantee hot temperatures of around 80°F throughout June , August and most of September .
22 In each case , our intuition agrees with Bolinger that the adjective acts to qualify the description inherent in the noun , rather than the entity identified by the noun ; one may readily agree that there is a significant contrast between these and the following adjectives , in predicative position , which he gives as instances of referent-qualification ( in our terms , instances where the adjective is straight-forwardly assigned to the entity of the subject and shares the same referential locus ) : ( 3 ) the student was eager the man was hungry the lawyer was criminal ( One might , though , add the comment that criminal is seldom used ascriptively of human beings as opposed to their actions . )
23 Revenue from the Thrift Shop ( which shares the same premises as St. Bride 's Stall ) helps to offset some of that expenditure for both parishes .
24 He says Springhill Open Prison suffers from being in the shadow of Grendon gaol , the highly respected prison that shares the same site .
25 Albanian hotels are a travellers nightmare , but the country shares the same climate as Greece and Italy .
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