Example sentences of "to hand over the " in BNC.

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1 We have met the terms of the loan , ’ Mr Cross said , answering widespread speculation that Mr Bond , whose commercial empire is troubled , had been forced to hand over the painting to Sotheby 's for resale .
2 This evidence fits statements from Dennis Johnson , who had arranged to meet the suspected bombers around midday at 17 Campbell Road to hand over the keys to the holiday home .
3 The ministry said yesterday that it has had to hand over the file to the European Commission , which is investigating the Rover deal .
4 He stressed that the US would abide by the Canal Treaty timetable to hand over the canal to Panamanian rule .
5 In the Court of Session in Edinburgh yesterday , Lord Morrison refused to order the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service to hand over the name of a donor whose blood allegedly infected a 26-year-old man with HIV .
6 They would then be required to hand over the proceeds , without any strings attached , to a fund in which , under the Tolba plan , ‘ all countries would have an equal say in resource allocation . ’
7 And there was a new outpouring of rumours about Hitler 's health : that he was ill , mad , blind , had suffered a nervous breakdown , or that as a result of mental illness he had been forced to hand over the leadership of the State to the military , and had been shot .
8 French law has forced him to hand over the helms of Adidas and Bernard Tapie Finance , but he said : ‘ My new post is not incompatible with the presidency of Marseille .
9 The International Court of Justice in The Hague yesterday rejected Col Gaddafi 's request for an injunction to prevent Britain , the United States and France from putting pressure on Libya to hand over the two suspects .
10 Earlier , all three countries dismissed an offer to hand over the two men to Malta .
11 Sanctions , including a ban on air traffic and arms sales and the reduction in Libyan diplomatic representation , went into effect at dawn yesterday with the expiry of a grace period for Col Gaddafi to hand over the two suspected bombers of a Pan Am jumbo jet which exploded over Lockerbie , Scotland , in December 1988 .
12 The sanctions are designed to force Libya to hand over the two Lockerbie suspects and to co-operate in the investigation in a similar case , the mid-air explosion of a French airliner over Africa in 1989 .
13 It is devoted instead to the worship of the charitable Rytasha , who is not content simply to hand over the cash but insists , in an unfortunate hangover from her Hare Krishna days , on posturing as ‘ a spiritual master ’ .
14 There is a danger , however , that lack of preparation to hand over the business and eventual retirement could cause problems but this will be discussed later .
15 The court has a discretion , and a record holder who would prefer not to hand over the file is entitled to refuse unless the party gets a court order to disclose .
16 Paula had at last persuaded Tweed to hand over the driving to her for awhile .
17 You told me your Uncle Walter is willing to hand over the entire estate to you anytime you wish . ’
18 Her exhausted captain had had to hand over the wheel to Arthur and for eight days he was scarcely relieved .
19 To this is added the remark that since the testator 's intention is clear , the slave must be compelled to hand over the accounts .
20 If by some chance the Poles had agreed to hand over the city it is quite possible that even at this late stage NSDAP support in the city would have evaporated .
21 The Duc d'Orléans refused Stair 's demand to hand over the ships and their contents to Byng but did agree to unload the weapons and remove them for safe keeping to a French arsenal , a notable diplomatic triumph .
22 I ought not to hand over the case notes until it 's authorised . ’
23 Then my father decided to hand over the company to the young man .
24 The girl was dragged behind a wall and forced to hand over the cash .
25 He would dearly like to hand over the captaincy at the end of next August after having retained the Ashes on his fifth tour to England .
26 But now Reynolds faces a new battle to force the sport 's rulers to hand over the £18.5 million .
27 155 professional women have expressed interest in joining , membership has passed the break-even point and Prue and Shelley , now joint presidents , are about to hand over the administration to an established committee .
28 The order to hand over the documents was stayed , pending the outcome of Spicers ' appeal to the Lords .
29 Is this a struggle inside Frodo 's soul , between his conscious will and his unconscious wickedness ( the sort of wickedness which might earlier have made him reluctant to hand over the Ring to Gandalf ) ?
30 The police were very sympathetic , but as the inspector in charge told me , ‘ I 'll have to hand over the papers to the Director of Public Prosecutions — or one of his staff .
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