Example sentences of "lay [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the talking point of the station , she would lay money on that .
2 Schlieffen planned to leave his left wing in Alsace and Lorraine lightly manned , while an immensely strong right wing was to execute a rapid enveloping movement through Flanders and Picardy — ‘ brushing the Channel with their sleeves ’ — and lay siege to Paris from the west .
3 Finally , with ‘ Do n't walk on the wet edge , you 'll get a verruca ’ ringing in my ears , and ‘ Make sure your hair is BONE dry before you go out into the cold ’ ringing in my brain , we would lay siege to the fish-and-chip shop which was my main reason for going in the first place .
4 He 'd found her , he said , and next day he 'd either lay siege to the place , or boldly batter on the door and ask for her hand in marriage — or at least her something else in something else !
5 ‘ Oh , Ms Craig ! ’ she exclaimed , rushing forward with outstretched hands as if afraid Melissa would vanish if she did not lay hold of her .
6 And they could lay waste to that hemisphere 's traffic in tropical lumber .
7 Did she lay stress on the plural ?
8 The justification for acquiring a microcomputer will lay stress on educational benefits and the school librarian and teachers will plan how the pupils will use the information they obtain from the microcomputer as a step in the learning process .
9 Also the latter sfumato technique that Ramsay favoured , in which smokily smooth and imperceptible transitions are effected between areas of colour , did not lay emphasis on the linear as the early style had .
10 This latter idea could lay claim to a basis in ideas of collegiality — but only of a limited nature .
11 It is also the reason why he could lay claim to a rich blend of cultures , having an excellent grasp of the European legal system and Arabic poetry and customs .
12 Gedge conceded the point in a humorous letter to Dave Fielding , admitted that he could lay claim to a proportion of the royalties accrued by the song .
13 Gay Rights spokesmen would presumably lay claim to a right to enjoy a full physical relationship which is just as valid as that which is enjoyed by heterosexuals .
14 Banking can lay claim to being one of the world 's earliest multinational industries with financiers in Lombardy ( Italy ) lending money to various European royal houses in the 1300s .
15 If proof was lacking , the trust beneficiary could turn only to his rights in personam against the trustee ; nor , since there was no doctrine of tracing , could he lay claim to the property received by the trustee in place of the original trust property .
16 Do you mean that only Nobel laureates and their peers can lay claim to the hallowed occupation of research ?
17 Ayr , Irvine and Kilmarnock Academies could each lay claim to having had the largest number of scholars who went on to great things but , before these grander seats of learning were established , several small , seemingly totally inadequate schools had produced a succession of men of whom the county can be proud .
18 So while Glasgow can lay claim to having had the earliest adult deaf organisation , Edinburgh 's Deaf Society has the longest continuous existence .
19 If any one man could lay claim to the title of ‘ Father ’ of the national British deaf movement as embodied by the British Deaf Association , it was James Paul of Kilmarnock , Scotland .
20 And I did not ‘ warn ’ for the simple reason that I radically differed and differ from comrade Preobrazhensky in my estimation of his article : he does lay claim to the above mentioned analysis , but in my opinion there is absolutely n o analysis itself .
21 Klemperer was actually present at the rehearsals and the first performance of the Mahler in Prague in 1908 , and thus his interpretation can lay claim to some element of authenticity .
22 ‘ Secondly , Philip hopes Edward will lay claim to Scotland and so become immersed in a tangled and lengthy war . ’
23 Young children may lay claim to possession just because they happen to be playing with , say , a car or doll .
24 You will know when a pair has formed from the group as the dominant male will lay claim to an area of the tank and display to any female that is ready to spawn .
25 The unacceptability of certain conversion methods is accentuated for Gandhi by his belief that all religions have elements of truth and error and that no particular religion can lay claim to a monopoly of the truth .
26 With the North weakened by this weekend 's Twickenham test , only Orrell 's Nigel Heslop could lay claim to current international status .
27 We Brits may have invented cricket , tennis , football , rugby , golf , darts and bowls but we ca n't lay claim to baseball , ice hockey , American football , ten-pin bowling , rhythmic gymnastics , synchro swimming or sumo wrestling .
28 The Sunday Times had always been a special paper , particularly in the Harold Evans days , when , with stories like Thalidomide and the Insight coverage of Northern Ireland , it could lay claim to being the greatest in the world .
29 ‘ NO OTHER PLACE in the UK can lay claim to so much aeronautical history , ’ was how Sir Peter Masefield , Chairman of the Brooklands Museum Trust summed up the status of the famous site at the ‘ launch ’ of their 1992 season plans .
30 Under such influence he 'd heard rationalists confess their devotion to tabloid astrologies ; heard atheists lay claim to heavenly visitations ; heard tales of psychic siblings , and prophetic deathbed pronouncements .
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